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Post by Funyan005 »

So once again the sale is going on at REI! Har.
Looking at these

Now, I was originally looking at Grivel G12's, since it seems like everyone and their mother owns those. However, once again, I'm looking for input from you guys(Ive been reading posts here since December'ish of 2007), and know that you're all very knowledgable!
Anyways, got off topic, I was originally looking at the G12's, but these are obviously cheaper, and I have like 60$ saved from spending at REI and bveing a member. So...

In So. Cali, I understand it's really important to get steel crampons.
Currently, I only own a pair of light hiking boots(merrell's), I want to continue to use those for now, so I need something that works with them, so I'll have to go into the store. Eventually I will upgrade.

Any reviews, or any knowledge of these crampons, or opinions, are all welcome once again, and ultimately, thank you, everyone.
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Post by 406 »

You might want some new boots. Not sure what you have, but I have found that heavier duty boots work better and last longer with strap ons. Something stiff and very water proof.
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Post by Taco »

What Merrell's do you have?

Ultimately, you might find you'll need new boots. If you do get new boots, you'd probably want one with a heel welt for semi-automatic crampons. I strongly prefer semi auto's over strap/classic binding systems, as they're much more rigid. This may not be necessary if you stay on easy routes. For ice, alpine or otherwise, frontpointing, steeper and harder routes, I strongly prefer semi autos.

I like the Vasak's more than my G12's. However, I haven't used them. I like how they feel, and aside from the antibot, I like their design. I was thinking of replacing my G12's, with these being a good one to replace them with.
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