Mount Wilson from middle Eaton Canyon

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by dima »

Yesterday I climbed Mount Wilson from Eaton Canyon, a bit above Idlehour. The idea was to pick a side drainage, and follow the creek as much as possible, ending up somewhere at the summit area, with a victory coffee at the Cosmic Cafe. It worked!

The river has falls



I wanted to avoid questionable scrambles as much as possible, so at this double falls I backtracked to a bypass of the falls on the right. Above is one of the countless animal trails here


I now followed the river from a distance, on a ledge far above the water. Nice views of Occidental opened up here


And I could see more falls I would be encountering if I stayed in the drainage


This whole area was really steep. It looked like it would take work to drop back down to the river, and then lots more work to eventually get out again. The most obvious line was to climb straight up, away from the drainage, towards point 4602. More views across the river


I climbed straight up, trying to contour to the left whenever possible. Eventually I would have to cross a very insignificant gully to keep contouring, but everything was so steep, that crossing it would be an unnecessary risk


So I kept climbing up


Eventually I got all the way up on the ridge, just N of the bump N of 4602. Here this clearly becomes a ridge route. I would drop down to the saddle directly in front of me


then I'd go up the ridge, past a cliff


and then would continue to the top through thick growth


The drop to the saddle was fine. And the climb initially was fine


Then eventually it became not fine. Between ~ 5200-5400ft it's a THICK mess of brush. I did a lot of cutting, but it still sucked. Eventually you can see the bend in the Mt Wilson toll rd


Then you start seeing more cuts in the brush and lots of garbage. I found a plastic baggie with 11 quarters!


And a very alcoholic-looking can of very non-alcoholic water


And soon-enough I was at the Cosmic Cafe


The route from above:


I started near the middle of that. It looks so close!

I didn't want to face the mess of brush again, so I took the road back. A tree with a beehive in it fell onto the road



And some helpful human put up a warning for the people climbing, but not descending

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Tom Kenney
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Post by Tom Kenney »

Earlier this year I dropped my bike helmet off Rim Trail in similar terrain. Spent about 30 minutes looking for it, and getting really sketched out. Not surprised re: the bee warning. The local bees are becoming more aggressive. I've been stung more times the past 3 years than I have my entire preceding life.

Great pics!
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Nate U
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Post by Nate U »

Kinda nice to eat a hot bowl of chilli after a battle through the brush like that!
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