Bridge to Nowhere land rights to Bungee America

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Post by AW~ » ... il2017.pdf

A 7 page article settling a forest service notion that Bungee America didnt have land rights to the bridge. The original survey from 1884 that the FS was relying on was found to be bogus..."Overlays of Pearson’s topographic calls were developed and gross distortions were uncovered throughout the township.". The surveyors then agreed with the original mining claim , which is the status quo....but not until they went to Airplane Flats, Bighorn ridge and Iron Mtn.

The original map of MrPearson, who looks to have made stuff up instead of doing the work for the BLM, is found here ... 08%20W.pdf
It was already known before this current examination that Pearson's map was probably drawn over a drink or two at some swimming pool.
Not sure why a Noverto placer mine is on that dpw link, other than a challenge to find it? 250ft above the SG river north of midway ridge.
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Post by dima »

Interesting. Are those old survey maps available at the county surveyor's site? Can more old mines be located by looking at these?
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Post by AW~ »

dima wrote: Interesting. Are those old survey maps available at the county surveyor's site? Can more old mines be located by looking at these?
They'd have to be old....the link can be changed to go to the next section....increase the R by 1 to go west or increase/decrease the T to go north/south. There were some more along the east fork.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Meh. Why survey it when I can just sketch it in? "Good enough for government work."

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