Date(s): Sep 6, 2016
As of September 6th, 2016, the Silverado Canyon fire closure, which was initially implemented following the 2014 Silverado Fire, has ended 3 weeks early, opening up the Maple Springs trailhead for recreational use once again. This also extends to the Silverado Motorway, which is reopen for use. For questions please contact the Trabuco Ranger District at 951-736-1811
It's also great that the road is open. I want to explore some areas off north main divide. For OC hikers, it was always an easy to access, fun area. I hate fires that shut down large areas of the forest for years, but it seems that's the way it goes.
Yes, Bedford is a great training hike. The next time anyone is there be sure to walk to the far eastern end of the summit area. Someone placed a memorial bench there. It is a great spot to sit, eat lunch, and view Santiago Peak.