Switzer's - Bear Canyon - Red Box - Switzers (2014-03-03)

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by turtle »

Bear Canyon has received quite a bit of discussion of late, following two recent rescues involving lost hikers and mountain bikers. I'd traversed Bear Canyon since the Station Fire, but a co-worker also described challenging conditions in Bear Canyon last weekend, so it seemed worth a look to see how things had changed.

Perhaps a weekday solo outing wasn't the best idea :shock:, but I've lived to tell the tale! If only because Hikin' Jim's inquiry is still pending, here's a detailed breakdown of the route. I didn't have my camera with me, so this will be as much conditions update as trip report.

Summary: The route is passable, with the substantial difficulties lying primarily between Bear Canyon Trail Camp and Bear Canyon Cabin. Total time for the loop was an even 5h 00m.

Switzer's Picnic Area to Switzer's Camp: The trail/road is in fine shape here, though the creek was still swollen with runoff from recent rains. Keeping my feet dry required the occasional water-level creekside Class 4 move.

Switzer's Falls Bypass: The trail shows faint signs of erosion here, especially when crossing drainages, but is still in great shape. Switzer's was a dramatic sight (albeit through a chain link fence -- ugh) due to the lingering high flow.

Bypass Touchdown to Bear Canyon: The trailbed is in good shape through here, but several downed trees present modest difficulties. One or two looked especially fresh (still green, as yet largely untrammelled) and presumably fell in the last few days. The runoff appears to have brought a fresh load of sediment into the pools. Because the color of the water resembled urine from a dehydrated hiker (yummy) and was unusually frothy in the pools, I can't comment on whether the pools are making progress towards the swimming hole days of yore.

Bear Canyon Mouth to Bear Canyon Trail Camp: The trail is in surprisingly good shape here. In places the trail is washed out, requiring a bit of boulder hopping. And there is the occasional downed tree or limb crossing the trail. But large stretches are in great shape, and upcanyon progress proved surprisingly easy. Someone has strung fluorescent tape at many of the key crossings. It's important to catch the departures of the trail up onto the south wall as these provide some especially long stretches of easy hiking.

Bear Canyon Trail Camp to Bear Canyon Cabin: Here things take a turn for the worse. Perhaps I missed some sections of good trail, but I found myself pushing through a nasty mix of tree limbs and brush along this stretch. The fluorescent tape seemed to go missing through here as well.

Bear Canyon Cabin to Tom Sloane Saddle: The trailbed is in great shape for this entire stretch. However, the lower half is quite overgrown with brush. While reasonably "soft" and easy to push through, it soaked my clothing completely through.

Tom Sloane Saddle to Mt. Lowe Road: Good.

Mt. Lowe Road to Eaton Saddle: Good, apart from the standing water in Mueller Tunnel!

Eaton Saddle to Red Box: Paved.

Red Box to Switzer's (Gabrielino Trail): The upper half of this stretch has obviously been cleared of brush quite recently, and made for very quick travel. The lower half shows some signs of erosion and has one or two downed trees, but is still straightforward.
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Post by rck »

Thanks for the report, I appreciate it!

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Post by VermillionPearlGirl »

Great update. I've been through a lot of sections of this but never the whole thing all together. Any idea what the mileage on this loop is? (I kind of doubt that your 5hrs is my 5hrs!).
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Post by turtle »

VermillionPearlGirl wrote: Any idea what the mileage on this loop is?.
I'd estimate the loop distance at 15 miles.
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Sitting Bull
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Post by Sitting Bull »

Any photos?
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