Verdugos, La Tuna & Wildwood Fire Road Questions

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Post by robnokshus »

Happy New Year!

The family and I recently moved from Burbank to Shadow Hills, where we have access to the Fond Family Open Space Preserve.The views are fantastic and the solitude is incredible.

I have been trying to plot a way that I could hike from my house in Shadow Hills to my old neighborhood in Burbank. From hiking, driving around and looking at Google Earth, it appears that I could hike out to near where the Wildwood Fire Road rises from La Tuna Canyon Road.

Does anyone have any experience with the Wildwood Fire Road, also referred to as Fire Road West? It looks like it goes through some interesting countryside but overgrown? Private? I don't know. Would love to hear from anyone who's hiked it.
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Post by oldcoot »

I've always wanted to try that of the few in the Verdugos I haven't done...I haven't checked it recently, but the few times I did there was a chain-link fence and locked gate at the bottom on La Tuna Canyon...think it is no-enter zone...but the La Tuna Singletrack starts just a bit (1/4 mile?) east of there, and that'll take you up to the main Verdugo fire road along the top, from which you can go anywhere...the top of that Wildwood fire road was not blocked off last time I went by it...but that was a few years ago...

Hopefully someone more up to date can provide better info...

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Post by HikeUp »

Matt's Map...


Full size scan.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Matt made that one? Nice map.

I did "Fire Road West" (there's a sign on La Tuna Canyon Road that actually says "Fire Road West") a couple of years ago. It's overgrown but mostly followable with some poison oak, BUT as mentioned it's no longer in service and someone has placed a large gate (locked) at the bottom by a home. You're basically cutting through someone's property. When I did it, I did some "creative bushwhacking" to get around things.

Take a look at this map which is based on satellite photos. For best results, try toggling back and forth between satellite mode and either topo or terrain mode. There are all kinds of trails on the western end of the Verdugo Mountains that connect La Tuna Canyon Road and the "backbone" fire road. Take your pick. You'll have to zoom in a fair amount to make sense of things.

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Post by anarchist »

From the Fond Open Space work your way south over a fence to a ledge cut above the FWY, connect to another ledge still above the FWY, this leads to a fireroad. Two options here, #1 turn left on road and go east look for old trail that decends south into Cyn. Follow trail south through creepy old horse ranch to La Tuna. #2 Go right on road uphill look for trail on leftside, this trail leads to a whole network of horse trails, hidden trailheads and ranchs. I've said enough to keep you busy for awhile. Fences are made to be hopped, gates crashed and mountains explored! It's easier to ask for forgivness than permission.

I've lurked here for years and found this place an unending supply of inspiration and information. Thank you all for your passion of our incredible mountains.
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Post by tracker » It still amazes me that property ownership details for the whole state can be on a chip the size of your little fingernail. And there are apps for smart phones that do the same thing.
Putting up a gate or a fence does not grant title to property. I'm not suggesting to start fights or confrontations but knowledge is power. It is rewarding to look down at your GPS when someone starts yelling at you- and be able to call them by their name.
Property owned by a government entity is not necessarily illegal to be on. LADWP is notorious for wanting people to believe otherwise. Often, the entity has the authority to put up fences, and maybe exclude vehicles, but that's all.
I'm just saying do some research before you assume anything.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice. I'll have to check into that.

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