Article on indigenous San Gabriel dwellers

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Post by Teejate »

An interesting, new article from KCET's "Departures" titled "The Indigenous Dawn of the San Gabriel Mountains."

Controlled burns to encourage the growth of edible plants. Not bad. ... tains.html
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Post by ur2slo »

Teejate wrote: An interesting, new article from KCET's "Departures" titled "The Indigenous Dawn of the San Gabriel Mountains."

Controlled burns to encourage the growth of edible plants. Not bad. ... tains.html

Why anyone with that purty a feather knows the old people took care of mother's amazing the ways the Gabralinos and others existed. We should all look closer.......
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

That was written by the son of this forums "Augie" ... ofile&u=25
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Post by Augie »

Thanks for that plug Ze. Yes, the author is my son. He has also written a couple of subsequent web articles on the San Gabriels. Check KCET Departures.
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