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Post by MountainGuy74 »

So the druggies got away with it? :roll:
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Post by ashleyco »

He wasn't wearing shoes.
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Post by ur2slo »

Funny, I'm not condoning or judging anyone's choice or my own, or the fools that are the subject of this thread, but I don't watch a lot of TV due to my gypsy lifestyle ( although I found I can get a signal when up at GUFFY and watch criminal minds nonstop on ch 30, wit my puter) lol .

But while here with my kid and fiancé last time, i got to see a show called Breaking Bad.
It took me a few to figure out the premise of the show, then I started laughing my ass off in front of them.

Now my son is part of the "Just Spell No" generation. ( my wording, not the original.Drugs are bad was pounded in THIER heads from day one) The "entitlement generation" is gonna be running this world...... Ha ha ha. Right.
They taught em to just say no, but forgot to teach common sense, how to make a decision and more.

I almost break a rib laughing, every time I talk about it.
The number one show in America glorifies the manufacture of methamphetamine! What a joke the past 40 years have been......there are currently recipes out there for the last show parties of fake " blue ice" to complete your party.

F**k me runnin. This one screwed up world.... Roflmao hard!

My two cents.....Ironic Ain't it?

As always.....Question Stupidity.
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

ur2slo wrote: The number one show in America glorifies the manufacture of methamphetamine!
um, No.
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Post by ur2slo »

ur2slo wrote: The number one show in America glorifies the manufacture of methamphetamine!
um, No.
Did I miss something? What is it about then? I'd like to hear what you think its about.
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

Characters and moral decisions and their effects on others.

The show is certainly superficially about meth production, but how in the heck you think the illustrating the dirty mechanisms involved and the fact that

*** SPOILER ***

basically everyone dies or is emotionally ruined "glorifies" meth production is beyond me. No it paints an ugly picture of it, albeit through a extremely well done and enjoyable series.
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Post by ur2slo »

Well put Z, while I agree the story line of the show is great, since the Harrison Act of 1912, the general "War on Drugs" has been pounded into the minds of the American people. I find that part ironic, not the show itself. It is a well told story.

I for one am of the "sex drugs and rock and roll" generation. Having seen the changes in society due to the activisism of the 50's thru 70's has been immense.

I just recently had a friend who's Dr is a Cedars Sinia Physician ask him if he wanted a prescription for Cannabis. That my friend is a big change from the the days of yore....I wholeheartedly believe the benefits of physcoactive compounds have been negated by such political motives. The mind is a wonderful thing to explore. More should. As you probably know, methamphetamine compounds have existed for years in medical,and physcology research for years. Hell we gave it to our airmen in years past.

Just about every kid supposedly needs to be medicated with Adderal, an amphetamine. I for one have not allowed it to be used on my son or nephews I raised, which were heroin babies. ( my nephews and niece, not my son)

Appreciate the input on a albeit touchy subject. Think about the impact if we woke up on a Monday morning and drugs were no longer illegal. Our economy and most of the worlds would be turned upside down.

The times they are a changing........

Again my 2 cents....that and a nickel and u ain't got s**t.

Happy trails.....
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Post by ur2slo »

*** SPOILER ***

And an opinion is not a "spoiler" it's my point of view, but as said before

"opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"

don't be a hater, to many in this world like to point what I term " The Finger of Shame" at others, so as to alleviate the need to look at themselves first.

Spoiler hmmmfhhhh.

Btw, looked at ur blog, interesting. Knowledge is my quest, I'll be reading it more.....

Happy Trails........
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

"spoiler" just indicates I might be giving away some of the plot from the show!
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Post by ur2slo » harm taken :)
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