Fish Canyon Falls 6/21/2013

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by tekewin »

I followed the Van Tassel ridge route to Fish Canyon Falls. I was the only car in the dirt parking lot. The trail leaves from the parking lot, follows a fence behind a horse stable, then switchbacks up the ridge. The first mile gain is about 950' with no shade. The next half mile is a jungle plateau that ends at a fence, followed by a half mile of 500' gain up a fire road to the top. Near the top is a gap in the fence where you leave Vulcan property. There is a small benchmark just outside the fence that reads "LA 00 ENG R", but it is not the high point on the ridge.


Peace sign and arrow toward the fire road

Mysterious benchmark past fence, not at the high point

Fire road to top of the ridge

Next, you descend steeply 1150' into Fish Canyon where the trail merges with the easy main trail to the falls. This section of the trail looks little used. While the first section had litter (too much for me to pack out), the section descending into Fish Canyon was litter free. In many places, the grass, brush, and poison oak intrude into the trail. You are not bushwhacking through chaparral, but you do have to push through the obstructions. I wore long pants and was glad I did. Once you get to the main trail, it is easy going all the way to the falls with a fair bit of shade from the trees in the canyon. There are two stream crossings, but one was completely dry. There are also historical plaques along the way, most of them unfortunately vandalized.


Stream crossing without the stream

When I reached the falls, I was sad to see it nearly dry. I came for the big three tiered waterfall, and I all I got was a trickle. The main pool was not flowing into the lower pool, but both still had plenty of water.

A trickle is all that's left of the falls

Main pool below falls

Lower pool

On the way back, I could see that my car was still the only one in the parking lot. However, when I emerged from the brush into the parking lot, there was a green car parked right next to mine and one guy kind of loitering by the trailhead sign. We surprised each other. He asked me a few questions about the hike, then got in his car and left before I could even get my pack in my car. He was either casing the hike or casing my car. I decided it more likely he was casing my car, but no harm no foul.

Full report: ... ridge.html
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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Cool beans teke. How were the temps?
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Post by tekewin »

I started late, around 8:45, temps in the low 70s. By noon, mid-80s but it felt hotter for some reason. The ridge on return gave me more trouble than I expected.
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Post by Sean »

I was thinking of doing this hike, but now I'll wait until next year and go in early spring when there's more water. I went last year on a shuttle day, but there were too many people for my liking.
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Post by tekewin »


Yeah, I would definitely wait until the water returns in the spring. I thought since the last shuttle trip was June 29, there would still be some flow. The people that go next Saturday will get all of the crowd and none of the falls.
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Post by AW~ »

Sean wrote: I was thinking of doing this hike, but now I'll wait until next year and go in early spring when there's more water. I went last year on a shuttle day, but there were too many people for my liking.
It could close anyday now...I would think its very unlikely to be around by next spring. Supposedly the canyon will reopen once the new public trail on the east side is built....and the full scale thrashing on the canyon can begin.

Its a bit confusing to the new reader, but more info here ... 5%2013.pdf
"This new trail system will provide a safer and more direct link to the Fish Canyon Falls for all members of the public."
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