Memorial day poodle-dog roast on silver moccasin

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by walker »

Hey, y'all, I've been enjoying the forum for a bit now. Thanks for sharing all the solid info and good adventures. I haven't been able to get out into the hills for a while, but I'm starting to get back out a bit. Here goes:

So I had a few hours on Memorial Day to get out of the house with my mountain bike and I headed up the crest highway. Going by the Silver Moccasin trailhead I was surprised to see that the trail was open to the north. I took a quick look. The trail was in great shape apart from the 4-5 foot poodle-dog bush encroaching on the trail everywhere. I knew better, but I couldn't resist. I put on my rain gear for poodle-dog protection and had a nice leisurely descent into the canyon.

Coming up the other side was a long slog mostly carrying and pushing my bike uphill on a very sandy trail. Nice desert scenery and not much poodle-dog, but probably best not to try to ride your bike up this way.

Arriving at the campground near charlton flats, I immediately noticed that the forest service has put some work into replacing what was destroyed in the fire. There are lots of new plastic picnic tables, benches, prefab bathrooms and other amenities. But it looks like the mighty poodle is king around here for now.

Here's a scenic overlook with brand new benches. Admire the view:

Hot dogs, anyone?

I continued riding up the road to Vetter Mtn. The entire area is bursting with luxurious, thriving 7-8 foot poodle-dog that leans over into the path. I suspect a portion of the Silver Moccasin between here and Chilao will be like this as well.

Finally, at the end of the road:

The remains of the old lookout:

Time to head back to where I started. I think I'll take the highway back:

So after a quick trip down through the campgrounds and along the highway, got the car just in time:

Didn't see a single person out there. Nice little trip out.
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Post by Taco »

Just a little bit of it! :lol:
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Post by VermillionPearlGirl »

Yeah, this area is the worst for pdb I've encountered. I've actually just stopped going there all together. It's just as bad on the other side of the road too. Glad you survived :)
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Post by Sean »

Colin's first TR, back when the poodle dog reigned supreme.
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Post by Girl Hiker »

Nice! Too bad I can't see his pictures.
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