The Station Fire Thread

Rescues, fires, weather, roads, trails, water, etc.
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Post by EQPlayer »

Just saw this posted on the USDA Forest Service site. The station fire area is closed for yet another year, until May 25, 2014. ... 422004.pdf

Full list of closures:

So many great trails in the area, hope it reopens some century.
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Post by tekewin »

Thanks for the update.

I am bummed because there are a lot of hikes I want to do in there.
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Post by Taco »

Gotta stay off those trails or the whole damn PLACE will burn up again!

Go giddum, government! Keep those dang Murricans outta their land!
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Post by cougarmagic »

Boo hiss. :evil:
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Terry Morse
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Post by Terry Morse »

ALTADENA ( — About 46,000 acres of the Angeles National Forest will reopen Saturday after the land was charred during the 2009 Station Fire.

Some areas remain closed out of concern for public safety or because more work is needed on trails, according to the Forest Service.

The closed areas include Lower Gabrielino Trail, Barley Flats Trail, Colby Trail, Ken Burton Trail, Millard Water Fall User Trail, Santa Clara Divide Road, Messenger Flats Campground, Lighting Point Campground and Big Buck Campground.
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Post by mattmaxon »

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice. Glad to see they're opening up a bit more.

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Post by mcphersonm80 »

If I'm reading this right, that means the east ridge of Strawberry from Red Box is open, right? :D
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

That's the deal.

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Post by HikeUp »

mcphersonm80 wrote: If I'm reading this right, that means the east ridge of Strawberry from Red Box is open, right? :D
Oh good. I'm legal now :D
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Well, I wouldn't go that far. ;)

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Post by HikeUp »

Hmmm...wonder what the statute of limitations is?
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Post by fortified »

Most of the closed areas reopened today according to this ... nal-forest

Nearly all areas in the Angeles National Forest that were closed by the 2009 Station Fire will reopen in time for the Memorial Day weekend, the U.S. Forest Service announced Thursday.

About 46,000 acres of the forest will reopen on Saturday, officials said.

"We have worked very hard to get these areas reforested since the destruction of the Station Fire," Forest Supervisor Tom Contreras said. "Now people can enjoy them just like they do the rest of the forest."

The Station Fire killed two firefighters and burned about 161,000 acres, officials said.

Some areas remain closed out of concern for public safety or because more work is needed on trails, according to the Forest Service.

The closed areas include Lower Gabrielino Trail, Barley Flats Trail, Colby Trail, Ken Burton Trail, Millard Water Fall User Trail, Santa Clara Divide Road, Messenger Flats Campground, Lighting Point Campground and Big Buck Campground.
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Post by Slowest_Hiker »

Is there a closed area at this point? The document linked above only shows closed roads. Is everything except these roads open? I checked the ANF website and only found the same document, no maps or descriptions of a closed area or areas.
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Post by oldcoot »

Probably best to call the appropriate ranger station (not sure which that would be) and ask...when I went out there to do Josephine Peak via the fire road at ACH and AFH on May 25, there was a huge almost billboard-size sign saying area closed, no parking, stay out, etc. And the Colby Canyon trailhead still said No Parking Any Time last Friday (June 6)...I think that area is still closed, but call and see if someone official knows...

I meant to stop by the fire station across Angeles Forest Highway from the Josephine Fire Road trailhead to ask about the area's status on the way back from Baden-Powell Friday, but forgot...

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Post by Uncle Rico »

And the Colby Canyon trailhead still said No Parking Any Time last Friday (June 6)...I think that area is still closed, but call and see if someone official knows...
Stopped by the Colby Canyon trailhead yesterday and the trail is still posted "closed."
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