Bear Flats to Mt. Baldy (5/10/13)

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by blueshammer »

I've visited Baldy numerous times, but this was my first outing from Mt. Baldy Village. Seeing as how the route was measured at a little over 6 miles, I had hoped to do it under 3.5 hours, but it took me at least 4.75 hours. I guess I underestimated the strain the steepness would have on my speed.

After parking on Bear Canyon Drive (avoid using the church's parking spots), walking past all the houses/cabins will lead to his sign within 10 minutes:

Reaching Bear Flats:

The exposed switchbacks ascending from Bear Flats. This unscenic part was probably the dullest aspect of the hike, and the buckthorn creeping in on both sides was a bother at times:

After the switchbacks, it's a nice and scenic trek going up:

Upon reaching the "narrows," I was a little over an hour away from Baldy. Glad I brought my windproof jacket along:

Finally made it. Winds were strong as ever:

I don't remember what this signpost used to say, as I don't recall encountering it in the past:

Returned the way I came. As with all my prior hikes to Baldy, I had to ration my remaining water on the way back and was itching for a Jamba Juice for the entire 3.25-hour descent. All in all, a marvelous trip up my favorite mountain.
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Post by tekewin »

Love the photos! I still haven't done this route to Baldy. Does the route go directly over West Baldy?

Weird, spiky boulders in one shot, apparently isolated.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

The trail doesn't go directly over West Baldy, but just below it. It's a pretty easy hop to the summit.

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Post by MattCav »

awesome photos. is that cartoon-y bear sign still up at bear flat? (if it is, you'd know what im talking about ...)
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Post by blueshammer »

That's right, the Bear Canyon/Bear Flats trail reaches a saddle between West Baldy and Baldy proper, but it doesn't actually pass over West Baldy. It's a 5-10 minute walk from the saddle to West Baldy.

I didn't see a cartoony bear sign, unfortunately. It's possible I simply didn't notice it since I didn't stop to rest at Bear Flats.
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Post by Uncle Rico »

So that's what it looks like to the west of the ridge, huh? When I was up there just the week before, the low cloud cover completely obscured the views in that direction. Looks like the weather gods were with you.

Is that Lookout Mtn. in your 5th and 9th pics?
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Post by Beantown »

blueshammer wrote: I've visited Baldy numerous times, but this was my first outing from Mt. Baldy Village. Seeing as how the route was measured at a little over 6 miles, I had hoped to do it under 3.5 hours, but it took me at least 4.75 hours. I guess I underestimated the strain the steepness would have on my speed.
Ive hke this trail 2 times this year, its a ball buster! Yesterday, sunday, hiked up Vivian Creek Trail to San Gorgonio Peak for the first time, ive done san g before from the south fork trail. As Vivian creek is described as the shortest ans steepest to the peak, would have thought this trail to be harder than the bear creek trail, but id say bear creek is a tougher hike, just Vivian is 3 miles longer.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »


The cute sign was not there the last time I went through.

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Post by mcphersonm80 »

Uncle Rico wrote: Is that Lookout Mtn. in your 5th and 9th pics?
Yeah, that's Lookout Mountain in those pics.
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