Anyone else have IT Band Syndrome?

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Post by BrownMtnBob »

I've had it for a long time, but it only gets me when descending (I only get it descending) on a grade more than about 16-18% or so. It comes down to how much I have to bend my knees when descending. At 15% I might be able to go for 10 miles without a problem. If the slope is 20+%....the pain may be a 10 (out of 10) after just 50 steps. If the trail's wide enough, I can usually adjust my rout or steps to compensate. If it's narrow and steep....I don't have many options.

Anyone else in the same boat?
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Post by longcut »

I'm hoping I'm done with mine. Ran 10 miles yesterday with no symptoms. Started in April for me when I increased my weekly mileage during training for a trip. I trained through it with many different attempts at healing it, including excersises, stretches, foam roller, massage, hot tub, etc. only now is it going away completely after not running for several weeks. I'm still running relatively flat trails for now to ease back in. Good luck.
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Post by MattCav »

i used to get it really bad on high incline hikes like you described. what helped me was making sure i got good rest after long hikes (very few back to back days) and using the foam roller. it hurts like heck but absolutley does work. if you dont have the foam roller, take a nalgene bottle or can of soup... lay on your side and put the can between your hip and the ground. pull yourself with your hands and arms up so the can rolls down your leg to your knee (this is when it hurts the most). then push yourself back down so the can makes its way back up to your hip. do this at least a few times.

i promise you will hate this and it will hurt. i can also promise that it will help at least somewhat. i havent had i.t. pain for 2 years since i did my foam rolls. good luck.
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