Endangered mountain yellow-legged frogs might get a hoppy ending
http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me ... 2145.story
"....When Backlin and Gallegos visited recently, several hundred adult frogs shared the knee-deep pools with hundreds of wiggling tadpoles and dime-sized babies.
"Whoa!" Backlin shouted, diving head first into a tangle of branches shading a small patch of water boiling with frogs. With one sweep of the net, he pulled out half a dozen. In less than three hours, the biologists captured 71 adults of the species scientists know as Rana muscosa. Fifty-two had been tagged during previous forays into the canyon. But 19 were new frogs.
Two years ago, this 1.5-mile stretch of spring water and ice melt was thought to hold about five...."
The Least Among Us: The Story of the Yucca Moth
http://brockbajer.blogspot.com/2012/09/ ... -moth.html
"....This stately plant owes its entire existence to one small inconspicuous insect: the yucca moth. And the moth in turn would perish forever without the relationship it has forged with the yucca. In the absence of either one of these species, the other would quickly become extinct. ...The yucca moth never eats during her short lifespan. Dowden continues, “No one knows what started such a habit or how the moth’s curious body developed. But the partnership must be very old, since species of yucca have evolved and each has a species of Tegeticula moth that evolved with it. The yucca depends entirely on its little moth.This year in the canyon(Big Tujunga), plant rustlers chopped hundreds of blooming yucca ‘trees’ down and stole them. I believe they were gathering the fertilized seed. The real crime is they stole the yucca moth larvae before they could complete their generous cycle. There will be fewer yuccas next year not only because these plant thieves stole thousands of seeds but because they destroyed so many of the yucca’s only pollinator...."
Industry scoops up 100 acres in mountains north of Azusa
http://www.sgvtribune.com/news/ci_21469 ... orth-azusa
"..Industry, which has 219 residents, bought a secluded 100-acre camp in the mountains north of Azusa.
While city officials say they plan to use the property as open space, others in the region have been left scratching their heads on why a city more than 20 miles away would take on the investment of a camp.
...."Right now, we're just kind of cleaning it up," City Manager Kevin Radecki said. "The city bought it for recreation and open space. The council hasn't made a final determination of exactly what to do with it. There's going to be some long-range planning that goes on. It was available."The 26 parcels of land are another addition to massive land holdings that include dozens of properties in Industry and 5,700 acres outside the city in the Tonner Canyon area near Diamond Bar.
The city paid $5.25 million for Follows Camp, which was previously owned by Follows Camp LLC, a company controlled by Rowland Heights investor Garry Tsaur and a business partner.....Broker Brion Costa in 2006 represented Flochal Inc., the company that owned the land before Tsaur. A flood in early 2005 had wiped out an access bridge and destroyed structures at the camp. At the time of the flood, about 200 residents were living at the camp. The county began fining Flochal because Follows was permitted only for two weeks of camping, not for long-term residential uses. Flochal sold the property to Tsaur the next year. "Garry bought it really for his own personal use after learning there was not a whole lot that could be done up there," Costa said. "The entryway over the river needed to be reconstructed. There were a number of issues." Costa called it the most complex transaction he had ever handled.
"That was one hell of a nightmare sell," he said. "We had to work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Department of Fish and Game, Caltrans. Virtually everyone in the state is involved with that sale."..."
A call for a stranted female hiker ends in a successfull rescue of a four-legged victim - September 1, 2012 Altadena - Dawn Mine trail
http://www.amrt.org/index.php/blog/entr ... ber-1-2012
"....Turns out the German Shepherd spotted a deer and took off, breaking free from his leash. While attempting to retrieve him, the victims became stuck, prompting the rescue. "
August Rescue Log, Sierra Madre Search And Rescue
"....Overdue Hikers, between Fish Canyon and Switzer Falls: SMSR joined other Los Angeles County Sheriff’s search and rescue teams in the search for 2 hikers overdue from a hike to take pictures of a “waterfall” in the local mountains. A coordinated plan was developed and search teams dispatched to trailheads at Fish Canyon on the east to Switzer’s picnic area on the west. Attempts to reach the subjects via text message were ultimately successful and the subjects were located near Switzer Falls.
Searches often involve coordinated use of multiple tactics and technologies to locate missing hikers, but the job of Search and Rescue teams is greatly simplified by letting someone know where you are going and when you’ll be back. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Hiker Plan is a good way to document your plans."
09/16/2012 08:35 Vehicle Break In Lower Big T Cyn & Falls Creek Rd (3n27)
blog: canyoncartography.com
Chantry Flats to Mt. Wilson X-Country via the Winter Creek
http://www.canyoncartography.com/chantr ... ter-creek/
Trip report of MtWilson via Winter Creek(starting from upstream of Hoegees camp). No rappels or waterfalls noted.
Learning About Strength of Spirit (or, Just One of My Fire-Fightin' War Stories?) - by Bill Neal
"....But, here's my story - as a wildland firefighter for the U.S. Forest Service, I learned that strength of spirit meant much more that physical strength....On another night, we were doing structure protection in Icehouse Canyon on Mt. Baldy, up on the roofs of the cabins trying to keep them from burning. Earlier, we had gotten a hot meal at the Ice House Lodge, a beautiful old building with county firemen laying all over the floor sleeping - in the middle of our meal we had to run outside and cut a line around the lodge to keep it from burning (it finally burned to the ground in another fire several years later).
Icehouse Canyon was aptly named - a narrow, steep canyon with a year-round stream of snow-melt run-off - it was cold! It was approaching Thanksgiving by this point so we were freezing, but we were in the middle of a fire-storm powered by Santa Ana winds with fire blowing everywhere. It was getting pretty miserable. Then the ante went up - the burning vegetation on the steep canyon-sides above us was no longer holding back boulders, allowing them to roll loose - they were bounding and crashing down the canyon-side in the dark, right on top of us, like cannonballs. We could hear them coming but we couldn't see them in the dark until they were already there. We were totally exposed on the rooftops with no way to protect ourselves. That's when the football player started crying. By that time, it was all that the slight little archeologist and I could do to keep the crew together and functioning. She was mothering everybody, even though she was probably still only in her 20's, and, at 36, I was being Papa Bear. She really did impress me with the strength of her spirit. It was a life lesson for me in one of those situations that absolutely tests the limits of your endurance, your physical condition, and your spirit - one of those "when the chips are down" situations..."