Wilderness Athlete products

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Post by titanhangman »

I have to drop a line here and say that I read about this company on a thread, and after doing a little Google search I took a flyer on their 28 day challenge. I've been fighting my fitness for about 4 years, and it seemed like there has been dead end after dead end when I'd try to diet and work out. Biggest issue was not being able to get the right nutrition while I was exercising, causing me to become weak and discouraged, and quit altogether.

The program consists of meal replacement shakes, some green vegetables in powder form, vitamins, Enzyme and appetite suppressant pills, their Elecrolyte and recovery powder and an energy and focus powder that you typically mix with the recovery poder for a morning cocktail. Combined with the products you manage your diet with lean protein meals 3 times a day. Much to my relief it hasn't been a starvation diet, although I've missed a lot of the "good stuff" that I used to eat.

I spent $200 on all this stuff, and with my wife looking at me with a skeptical eye I knew that I had to be committed. I hit the ground running on day one, and I bought into this program 100%. Right off the bat I was impressed with the taste of all the products. They are legitimately good, even the powdered shakes mixed with water. A few days into it I started to feel stronger, and although much of that can perhaps be attributed to getting rid of the toxins from all the junk I used to eat and drink (diet cokes, sugar, fatty foods), I feel that the products have provided me the much needed nutrients that I've been missing. I've also increased my consumption of vegetables and fruits, which helps a lot.

This week I ran 4 times, and I have gotten progressively stronger during each outing. Best of all I have lost somewhere between 7-10 pounds in the 16 days that I've been on it. My initial goal was to lose 20 pounds, because I know that extra weight is getting in the way of me effectively running and losing the weight I need to lose. My knees would hurt every time I ran, and I know the weight was hurting me in the long term, possibly doing irreparable damage. I'm thrilled that I read about this company on here, although I know there are other products out there that might do the same thing. But I'm not well educated on nutrition, or supplements, and I'm glad that I happened upon that thread and am now reaping huge benefits. So, thanks to whoever it was that recommended it because I'm a happy guy. :D
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Post by atomicoyote »

Have you tried comparing the calorie content of this diet plan with what you formerly ate? Apply a little OCD to counting calories and I bet you'll notice the commerical diet plan has fewer calories, which is what you need to cut down on anyway to loose weight.

Just get obsessive about watching what you eat each day for a while, substitute in some lower calorie foods, and loosing weight won't be an issue (as I sit here on Sunday morning eating a big calorie-filled apple fritter I bought at a local donut shop :oops: ). Buy a small scale at a local nutrition shop (far less than $200), and that'll help determine portion size/calories.

Big bonus - you'll save $200 every 28 days which can buy more gear! :D
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Post by titanhangman »

atomicoyote wrote: Have you tried comparing the calorie content of this diet plan with what you formerly ate? Apply a little OCD to counting calories and I bet you'll notice the commerical diet plan has fewer calories, which is what you need to cut down on anyway to loose weight.

Just get obsessive about watching what you eat each day for a while, substitute in some lower calorie foods, and loosing weight won't be an issue (as I sit here on Sunday morning eating a big calorie-filled apple fritter I bought at a local donut shop :oops: ). Buy a small scale at a local nutrition shop (far less than $200), and that'll help determine portion size/calories.

Big bonus - you'll save $200 every 28 days which can buy more gear! :D
You are absolutely correct. The reason that I sprung for this was that it was structured, and as I said before, I was feeling very weak after working out and doing my own diet. One thing i didn't understand at first (they're not big on instructions at WA), was that I had to eat 3 meals a day in addition to their products. But it makes sense, so it has actually forced me to do what you're saying- meaning watch what I'm eating much closer. I will eventually ditch some of the products, such as meal replacement shakes, and incorporate sensible food and snacks instead of their shakes. But I was very poorly educated on nutrition before, and I've had to get a crash course so I didn't overdo it in addition to the calories of the shakes, etc. I just needed a boost, and some quick success so that the momentum would give me the encouragement that I needed, and this program was exactly what I needed.
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

titanhangman wrote: But I was very poorly educated on nutrition before.
So what did you learn about nutrition from them?
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Post by titanhangman »

I learned nothing from them. This isn't supposed to be a biased plug for them, simply a thanks to whoever mentioned them in that thread you also posted in about wilderness training. I have had to get a crash course on what I can eat, because otherwise if I eat too many calories, or too much fat and carbs while I'm doing this I'll have spent the money for nothing.

I'm still not really sure that I'm getting enough from what I'm choosing to eat, and I think that the supplements and meal replacement stuff is keeping me going as far as being properly fueled. Like many here I'm busy, and in order to get everything I need from food alone it would take a lot of time to buy and prepare the meals. As I learn more about the nutrition part I can wean myself off the products. There's a whole country of people out there like me, who are/were eating whatever they wanted and were wondering why they lok and feel like crap. I'm just trying to be proactive after being in that place. This has been a crutch of sorts, and a big boost for me out of the gate.
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