BT river 9/3 Labor Day

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by AW~ »

A replay of an earlier trip 1.5 years ago

Kind of cold at the beginning for what would turn out to be a 100 degree day. Muddy, with maybe a flash flood earlier this year. Lots o frogs.What was surprising was how much water was still flowing though. It would be in season for canyoneering except for all the routes I could see were way overgrown.
Except the one I was on:D

A lot of signs of travel and especially so when I go to Monkey canyon. Seemed like there was triple the amount of graffiti from earlier. Waterflow was low enough that obstacle #1 was simple to the point its not noticed by anyone. The next obstacle that got to me last time is the 20ft drop into the Narrows, which can be bypassed. I didnt fare any better this time, but I did get in without fanfare thanks to a rope hanging down the cliff that actually held.

I had taken so long to check out the options that a group came downstream. They wanted to slide down the drop, but I pointed out the water was only 3 ft deep. One of them climbed down this metal ladder, that doesnt reach the bottom...nice. I suppose depending on how much one weighs is how much the steps on the ladder bend as well. A couple of this group was intent on sliding down, so finally I told them if they want a free helicopter ride and broken ankle, by all means, slide down.

Then I travelled all the way to the Fall creek fireroad. A slog for sure, but the creek just decent enough to still not complain. I went up the fireroad in that nice exposed heat to vegetation fest Fall creek, but just turned around. Note: Fall Creek falls were flowing nicely.The road itself is in really bad shape at that point...more like a use trail. Back down to the creek, to soak in the river, which I barely accomplished.

A canyoneer came from downstream, having completed Classic canyon.
As I could see on the way back up the fixed fireroad to the Big T cyn road, Classic canyon was hellish as he said it was. Poddle dog bush covered the hillsides. He was lugging some extra ropes, as someone had left 2 newly purchased ropes on the last drop(160ft I think) in that canyon, with tag and instructions still on it.

After parting ways, I drove up the Angeles, with a stop at Newcombs
:D, to see the conditions. It was smoky around Waterman, visibility pretty low. No plume of fire, just the whole valley and the PCT beyond Islip covered in smoggy smoke.

Even new graffiti here too :cry:
Top of falls
Suspected mini falsh flood from earlier this year
20ft drop into Narrows from above
Group intent on sliding down the drop
As if there wasnt enough dirt around, there were a lot of sandbags up and down the river
post Narrows
post Narrows
Waterfall along Lucas Creek(just above last waterfall)
Current conditions of river
Twin Peaks
Strawberry Peak
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice canyon. Hate the grafitti.

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