Trail Canyon 5/27/12

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by robnokshus »

After learnng of the Grand Re-opening of the Big Tujunga on this site a few days ago, I decided to take a little jaunt up Trail Canyon this morning. What a wonderful outing it turned out to be. I reached the gate at Trail Canyon at about 7:30, only to find it locked and a fire closure sign still posted outside. Having been to the ANF website to confirm the opening of this area, I figured that they probably hadn't gotten around to taking the sign down. Good for me! I didn't see another soul on the trail, up and back! And this is normally a very popular trail. Guess the word hasn't really gotten out yet.

I parked the Jeep down by the Stop sign and started up the short dirt road to the trail head. I noticed a few other boot tracks in the dirt but not many. As I rounded a bend, I was very pleased to see to see three cabins that had survived the Station Fire! Luckeee! Unfortunately, I also saw the foundations of several others that didn't make it along the hike. From what I could tell, at least 5 cabins in the canyon made it through the fire. Good for them!

IMAG0236 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

The trail that used to go off to the left and circumnavigate the first few cabins, doesn't exist anymore, so take the road. After a while you reach this little sign:

IMAG0237 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

After you go over the little ridge the road narrows into the trail and passes the last of the torched cabin sites. From there it is a pleasant hike of wild flowers, oaks that seem to have survived the fire nearly unscathed and numerous creek crossings. When the canyon opens up and you begin the uphill climb you are bathed in the golden hue of the surrounding hillsides. It was simply gorgeous. The trail is in fairly decent shape up here, with only a couple of minor washouts. It is a bit overgrown at the moment and sometimes makes it a little tough to see where you're planting your foot.

IMAG0238 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

IMAG0240 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

IMAG0241 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

IMAG0245 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

IMAG0246 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

Rounding the bend at the top you receive one of the nicer benefits of the Station Fire; an un-obstructed view of the twin falls! Really nice!

IMAG0250 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

I passed on the use trail down to the falls. I figure I'll wait until the oncoming hoards blaze it a little better. I proceeded upstream, bolder hopping and following the trail when I could find it. I had intended to hike up to Tom Lucas Camp, but I finally gave up when I could no longer find the trail and grew weary of getting stabbed by yuccas. I hiked back down to the pools just above the falls, had a PB&J sandwich, and then enjoyed the lovely hike out.

IMAG0251 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

IMAG0252 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

There were a few people milling about their cabins as I walked by, but other than that, I didn't see another soul! I doubt that will ever happen again.

IMAG0256 by Robnokshus, on Flickr

It was a lovely day. I would reccomend heading up their before everyone figures out the area is open.

IMAG0254 by Robnokshus, on Flickr
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Post by PackerGreg »

robnokshus wrote: From what I could tell, at least 5 cabins in the canyon made it through the fire. Good for them!
Yeah, much of Jody's plan failed miserably.
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Post by mattmaxon »

PackerGreg wrote:
robnokshus wrote: From what I could tell, at least 5 cabins in the canyon made it through the fire. Good for them!
Yeah, much of Jody's plan failed miserably.
I feel your pain Greg
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Post by mattmaxon »

robnokshus wrote: After learnng of the Grand Re-opening of the Big Tujunga on this site a few days ago, I decided to take a little jaunt up Trail Canyon this morning. What a wonderful outing it turned out to be. I reached the gate at Trail Canyon at about 7:30, only to find it locked and a fire closure sign still posted outside. Having been to the ANF website to confirm the opening of this area, I figured that they probably hadn't gotten around to taking the sign down. Good for me!
Thanks for the TR I had planned a canyon or 2 up there before the fire and have waited to get in there.

The FS hasn't and likely won't be "getting around" to take the signs down any time soon as it would require a slight effort on their part.

But they leave these things up in open areas and then complain privately that people don't pay attention to these things

Again thanks for the TR! I saw all the vehicles parked at the gate on my way out around 11am, so happy you had a good day
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