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Tom S
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Post by Tom S »

I am a long time hiker, generally solo, on trails and cross country up to lower class 3. I am 56, have been hiking since 1966, hiking in Southern California since 1979, and hiking every week for the last 24 years. Mostly day hiking, and a short backpack once in a while. I like exploring new areas and routes that are less frequently traveled. Whenever possible, I try to hike on Mondays and Fridays, and late in the day, to avoid crowds and I often don't run into anyone on the trail.
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Post by everyday »

hello Tom S! welcome. I like hiking n running alone too--the less other people on the trail the better, zero bein best....i dont understand the people who go out in "packs" , defeats the whole reason of going out imo. hope to not see ya out there! ha :D
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Post by Sean »


My name is Sean. I recently started taking hiking seriously about five months ago. I like challenging myself with long, difficult dayhikes. I recently hiked to San Gabriel Peak from the top of Lake Ave (Cobb Estate). I've also done Sierra Madre to Mt. Wilson, Three Points to Mt. Waterman, Crystal Lake to Mt. Baden-Powell, and Icehouse Canyon to Cucamonga Peak.

I wear thick wool socks and cheap hiking shoes from Big 5. I wrap Duct Tape around my toes to prevent blisters. I typically wear sweat resistant polyester shirts and shorts. I carry 3.5 liters of water and drink out of running streams. My small backpack also contains electrolyte tablets, granola bars, 3" blade, small Swiss Army knife, small flashlight (extra battery), matches, bandaids, antiseptic wipes, toilet paper, sugar packets, Ziploc bags, ankle support, plastic fork, insect repellent, handkerchief, facial tissues, compass, sun screen, lotion, and a lighter. I also take a baseball cap and a windbreaker, whose pockets I stuff with food.

I prefer hiking solo, but sometimes I'll hook up with someone cool on the trail. Right now my favorite spots to hang out are First Water on the Mt. Wilson Trail and Millard Canyon.
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Post by Slowest_Hiker »

Hi, long time lurker, first time poster. You know that person who passed you on the trail? That's not me! I'm an enthusiastic, albeit weak-ass, hiker. Biggest accomplishment is up & back on the Old Mt. Wilson Trail. Other stuff includes:
  • Hastings & Jones Peak

  • Echo & Inspiration Pt

  • Baden-Powell

  • Islip from the saddle

  • Islip from Crystal Lake

  • Throop

  • Mt Wilson via Spruce Grove with an overnight

  • Guffy from Big Pines

  • Jackson Flats from Jackson Lake

  • Most everything out of Chantry as far as Sturtevant
You get the picture. I get there, eventually :D 14 miles is the upper limit in one day.
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Post by rade »

howdy comrades,
My name is Chris Moore, 20 years old. I currently serve in the US Army. I grew up in Irvine, CA where I was an Eagle Scout and a bike mechanic.
I am an avid cyclist, backpacker, mountaineer, and general outdoorsman.
I hike/bike all around the Angeles NF, Cleveland NF, San Bernadino NF, the Sierras, Yosemite NP, Zion NP and all around Orange County. I came across one of your stickers while ice climbing Mt Baldy last year.
Some of my accomplishments:
Mt San Antonio
Cactus To Clouds hike (Mt San Jacinto)
Mt Baden Powell
Ontario Peak
Santiago Peak
Mt. Lyell
Mt. Julius Ceasar
Mammoth-Yosemite Valley backpack
Big Horn Mine-Bridge to Nowhere backpack

spending the night in front of the baldy trailhead
clouds rest, yosemite.
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Post by Taco »

Howdy guys!
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Post by atomicoyote »

Name/Avatar: Just a play on words with an appropriate pic. Formerly used 'phydeux', but that got 'nixed' by the MFF software when I tried to update my profile (no good deed goes unpunished?). No pics of me available, I'm wwaayy too fugly.

Occupation: Environmental Health & Safety. I've worked for both private companies and as a government regulator. "I make my loot when you pollute"

Age: 50+. I get AARP membership applications on a regular basis.

Some favorite Movies: King of Hearts, Dr. Stangelove, The Manchurian Candidate (the 1963 original), Bladerunner, Touching the Void, Metropolis, The Professional, the Black Mask, Dirty Harry, Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton's version), and a lot of Alfred Hitchcock's stuff.

Current Interests: Local hiking, a lot of bicycling- especially interested in long on-and-off-road trips, and hill climbing. I've always included bicycling as part of my conditioning routine.

How the "madness" got Started: Backpacking in my youth, but really shifted into high gear in college. When I was a senior a Mexican friend suggested we all spend Easter break down at his parents house in Mexico City. That week included a drive out to Paseo Cortez and a 'hike' up 'Popo'. Totally cool trip, and got me hooked.

"Feeding the Rat": After college I got into (what I'll call) 'technical backpacking & peakbagging'; never really liked rockclimbing. That resulted in 25+ years of peakbagging in the Andes, Cascades, Alaska, and too many trips all over the Sierra Nevada & SoCal Mtns to recall.

These Days: Last biggy trip was in 1999 to Bolivia, got back and lost my mojo for big stuff. Now do occasional day and overnight trips in the local hills and Sierra Nevada, most planned at 5PM on a Friday 8) . Also like exploring some low level stuff of personal interest; examples are exploring the interesting geology of Pinnacles Natl Monument this past spring, hiking in the mountains of Eastern & Northern Nevada in fall 2010. (Am I lazy or have I gotten too laid-back?).

Bicycles: Longest ride was an unsupported L.A. to Las Vegas ride. No, I don't wear spandex and/or lycra, and most riders I see on the local roads shouldn't be wearing it either :shock: (too bad cops can't give out "fashion violations"!). Carbon fiber bikes aren't my gig either. Off-road bike is in need of a new fork (I'm fed up with suspension forks, so I ordered a beefy rigid one yesterday :D ), but I've got some ideas for this winter and next spring/fall. Need a new road-oriented bike; maybe a cyclocross bike that'll handle both road riding and touring duty.

Too many decisions, too many fun places to visit.

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Post by tarol »

Howdy, I'm Carol, I mostly lurk here, to find out info on local trails. I've lived in the Inland Empire since July 2007. I love to hike, backpack, and photograph. I'm on a little bit of a hiatus because I'm expecting my first child in February, but I'm still getting out and doing shorter hikes when I can.

I'm a long-time poster on - and I have my own website containing tales and photos of my hikes:

As if playing in the mountains isn't enough, I also work for the USFS and a large part of my job is to help hikers (and other recreationists) find out information, get their wilderness permits, etc.
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Post by Taco »

Hey guys! You are both familiar folks. 8)
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Max Falcon
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Post by Max Falcon »

Hey gang, my name is Amanda. I'm 25 and semi new to the hiking scene. Done a few hikes up around Icehouse Canyon and rock climbing at Crystal Lake as far as the SGM goes. Also hike quite a bit around the Forest Falls area in SBNF and have done some backpacking in Big Sur, CA. I like the relaxing solitude of nature and physical challenge hiking provides. Started rock climbing with Taco recently and now i'm totally hooked on it. I love just being outdoors in general and like hiking, climbing, backpacking, scuba diving, horses, exploring, idk.. any experience i'm totally for it.
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Post by Teejate »

I'm glad to have run across this site during some local camping research.

I've been hiking pretty seriously for the past five or six years after finding it delivered more of what I was searching for than my mountain bike.

I love getting up in to all the SoCal ranges as often as possible for a long hike or overnighter but as an L.A. resident who gets teased on clear days I've spent more time in the San Gabriels than any other.

And as we can post pics here I thought I'd share one I took recently on the Devil's Slide Trail in the San Jacintos. (Nothing against the awesome trails in the San Gabriels but this one might be my favorite. Love hitting that junction and deciding which way to go.)

Two rattlesnakes mating.

It was an incredible dance that ranged between slow moving grace and extreme violence. I learned that they go through this ritual for about an hour.

But what I found most interesting is that when they were done they each had a smoke and turned on Letterman. Who knew?

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Wow. What a trip.

Welcome, by the way.

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Post by mangus7175 »

Hey everyone.

I'm really glad I came across this site. Sort of weird that I only came across this forum now actually.

I'm fairly new to backpacking in general but not to the outdoors. I've done a few vehicle dependent camping as well as day hiking. We have explored Anza, Mojave, San Bernardino, and Angeles National.

However, due to gas prices, I had to find other means and ways to get myself and my family outdoors.

I hope to see or meet some of you on the trails sometime!

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Post by everyday »

Hello! welcome :D
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Post by curt »

Curt-My name (Curt Bell)
Rancho Cucamonga CA Hitting the big 50!
I love Hiking, Fishing, Hunting Backpacking shooting & riding my Harley
Married 29 years with (2) grown kids! been gone from hiking & backpacking for a while now (work) and looking to get back into it! LOVE the mountains
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

curt wrote: Curt-My name (Curt Bell)
Rancho Cucamonga CA Hitting the big 50!
I love Hiking, Fishing, Hunting Backpacking shooting & riding my Harley
Married 29 years with (2) grown kids! been gone from hiking & backpacking for a while now (work) and looking to get back into it! LOVE the mountains
Welcome! Pull a chair up to the "camp fire".

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Post by Taco »

Welcome aboard y'all. 8)
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Post by RacerXK1 »

Name: RacerXK1 is a holder-over handle from my kayaking days. I was really into whitewater slalom for a while, but because I lived and trained in Texas I was kind of an unknown to the others in the national racing scene, hence Racer X. K1 is the type of boat I paddled.

Age: 27 and just getting this thing broken in the way I like it.

I like hiking, backpacking, paddling, scrambling, technical rock climbing, and mountaineering.

I recently re-located to southern California from Texas. Up till now, most of my experience in the mountains has been in Colorado and Washington state. I'm excited to explore the local peaks here in the southland and get up into the Sierras. Some of my most recent trips:
- Charlotte Dome via Kearsarge Pass
- Yosemite NP
- Joshua Tree (monthly)
- Tahquitz
- Owens Peak/Ridge

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Post by Taco »

Welcome aboard, dude.
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Post by AdventureDoc »

Hey all,

My name is Chris and I moved here from NY 2 years ago for medical school (hence the screen name). I'm really interested in Wilderness Medicine and incorporating it into my career as an expedition physician or working with NGOs in wild areas.

I've done two cross-country road trips hitting close to 30 national parks and one medical mission to the Indian Himalayas, but for the most part I just love spending time in the Transverse ranges- I try to get up once a week if class allows.

I'm really interested in hiking, camping, backpacking, mountaineering, peakbagging, and just being anywhere wild and beautiful. I'd like to get into rock climbing and canyoneering although I really have no experience coming from NY.

I haven't met many classmates with similar interests so it's nice to meet people passionate for our mountains! Glad to be on board.
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Post by Taco »

Welcome aboard. Don't go rock climbing or you'll drop out of school, smoke too much pot, and become some sorta Buddhist. :-)
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Post by Ellen »

Howdy GrandMaster Taco :)
Taco wrote: Don't go rock climbing or you'll drop out of school, smoke too much pot, and become some sorta Buddhist. :-)
I didn't know you're a Buddhist :wink:

With admiration,
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Post by AdventureDoc »

Taco wrote: Welcome aboard. Don't go rock climbing or you'll drop out of school, smoke too much pot, and become some sorta Buddhist. :-)
Sounds like half my class minus the drop out part anyways haha. When in Rome...
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Post by Taco »

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Post by JeffH »

Long time reader, first post....But it's fun to read everything.
I'm Jeff as you can tell by the name. I've lived in Claremont most of my life, moved here in 1967 when just a little tyke. Now I'm a bigger tyke....
I'm usually out solo since I don't have friends that do this stuff so maybe we'll run into each other some day nearby.
Last weekend was on Mt Williamson, notably missing the pirate sticker on the register can.
"Argue for your limitations and sure enough they're yours".
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Post by Gene »

Name: Short for Eugene

Age: 62

What kinda stuff you do: Hiking, paddling, archeology

Intro/bio: I grew up in Azusa hiking and camping is San Gabriel Canyon. After school I worked a number of years as a dam operator for LA County. This allowed me to work all over the San Gabriel Mountains.

Career changes took myself and my family across the US to the East Coast. Finding many stories on the 'net about the San Gabriel Mountains allows me to visit them vicariously from South Carolina.
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Post by andthewalrus »

My name is Loren.

I like hiking and photography, but don't do a lot of photography when i'm hiking. They're very different activities for me.

I was born in Pasadena, moved around the country a little as a kid, live in Pasadena again.

I go to the mountains pretty much every weekend. I'm usually hiking with my girlfriend. We pack pretty heavy, move slow, and have a good lunch halfway through. Also, we bring along Piper, the cutest dog you've ever seen in the backcountry.

I'm 32 and a guy (despite the name and my white fluffy dog).

See you out there!
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Post by HikeUp »

Yay Pasadena!

Nice to have a four legged navigator.
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Post by andthewalrus »

HikeUp wrote:
Nice to have a four legged navigator.
In all honesty, she always seems to know the way back to the car!
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Post by Begbie »

Hi Everyone,

Just signed up after lurking the boards for a year or so. It's been great source of information and hopefully I can contribute just a little bit.

My name is Jeff, in my mid-30's and I live in orange county. We don't have many mountains above 6000 ft out here so I usually end up doing a majority of my hiking in the Baldy area. Things I enjoy... hiking, camping, backpacking and I'm starting to get into mountaineering. Although I still consider myself a complete newbie on snow travel, I'm game for any shenanigans that involves snow and a peak.

I am really looking forward to joining some of you guys in the mountaineering clinic (meet-up?) being planned. I even scored some crampons during the last REI used gear sale. Too bad it feels like spring and there aren't any snow. Bummer. I would love to learn from some of you guys who have way more experienced.

Hope to run into some of you guys out there!
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