Running around at the Grand canyon/my new back-yard

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Post by everyday »

So, last week I jogged down the Kaibab trail to the bottom where the colorado river is (phantom ranch) Took 1hr 47min to get down, and 3hr 2min to get up. it's 7.3mi (14.6 roundtrip) with like 5000ft elevation change. I woulda done better but I stopped alot 'n took pics, and had walked the 3 miles to get to the trail-head from my dorm instead of takin the shuttle. so, with the 3 miles added each way to the trail, i totalled 20.6 miles, in like a lil less than 7hrs. again though, that was with a LOT of goofin off, takin pics, etc. will try for a decent time this monday. Its a fun trail to run. comming up is a bit tough, but much easier than skyline cause its shorter. (im not running everyday cause my jobs hard! but wen i do go, i try to get in a good 15 or 20mile, so i dont get fat n lazy :D )
anywho...heres some pics





















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Post by Taco »

I spy something that begins with the letter Z... ;-)
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Taco wrote: I spy something that begins with the letter Z... ;-)
I think it's Zoro's ass or something like that. :wink:

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice pix, lude girl. Like the balance rock.

And freakin' nice time. :shock: You've obviously recovered, but howz the jaw feeling?

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Post by Taco »

Hikin_Jim wrote:
Taco wrote: I spy something that begins with the letter Z... ;-)
I think it's Zoro's ass or something like that. :wink:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by everyday »

Hikin_Jim wrote: Nice pix, lude girl. Like the balance rock.

And freakin' nice time. :shock: You've obviously recovered, but howz the jaw feeling?

Yay! i have WiFi finally!....anyway--

I went down Kaibab again last week and made it in 87 minutes that time, took off 20 by not goofin around n takin pics for Taco. :D But then I came UP on Bright Angel instead of Kaibab, and that took 5hrs. its longer, 9.5 miles. but i stopped alot n chatted w/other people. Ill go for time again next week.

And jaw is gettin better, but it takes 4 to 6 months to heal, and up to a full year for all swelling and numbness to go, if its not October yet, then im not "better" yet. ok? (everyone keeps askin every 2 weeks n its drivin me nuts. I AM NOT BETTER AND WONT BE TIL AFTER OCTOBER! Thats the 6mo point. AND i wont look normal for a YEAR from surgery, thatll be April, 2012! M'K?) 8)
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Post by Taco »

Someone's grumpy. :lol:
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Post by everyday »

yep! well, really just slightly annoyed at answering the same question over n over n over, and frustrated at bein' far away. the Canyon's cool n all, but i wish i wasnt so far away from so-cal. im homesick n miss my friends
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Post by Taco »

everyday wrote: yep! well, really just slightly annoyed at answering the same question over n over n over, and frustrated at bein' far away. the Canyon's cool n all, but i wish i wasnt so far away from so-cal. im homesick n miss my friends
I know what you mean. Just make shit up and tell people you're getting your lower jaw removed and replaced with a box of cereal or something absurd. They'll get the hint eventually.
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Post by everyday »

Ran the rim trail for 8 miles from Train depot to Hermits Rest today in 79minutes, 96minutes to get back cause i was tired, lol, so the whole thing took, ummm--175mins, thats...2hr 55 min its 16miles round trip . it SHOULD take me 72 minutes for one way at the most...but im getting there, slowly, as i get used to living at 7000ft elevation...the other day it took me like 85 or somethin awful, ha. I need to work on my rim to bottom of canyon time too, that should be 75 at the most, i gotta ditch 12 whole minutes. bah! :x anywho...its really nice out here, its not too bad for not being California. ..except theres no other trail runners ive met yet. :( -i'll try n take some new pics on one of my days off to post up.
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Post by Taco »

Get a bike!

What? 8)
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Post by everyday »

Hahaha. Nah, ive had a bike, i prefer my feets thanx :D
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Post by Taco »

Don't underestimate the power of the force (bike).
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Post by everyday »

Dont underestimate the power of my feets! I can go up n over things yer bike cant! and I enjoy just havin my own body n no other gear/ equipment to get around 8) and i dont hafta deal with flats n broken spokes, etc. :wink: and my trasportation's free, i was born with it
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Post by Taco »

I can do all that which you doubt.

You're gonna lose this one, Bucko.
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Post by everyday »

Probably true. Sorry, I forgot how awesome you are :wink:
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Post by Taco »

I always downplay my awesome. Everyone else up-plays it? Is that a word? Anyway, yes.
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Post by everyday »

ran down Kaibab trail to bottom again this morning. Started at 515am...was real pretty out, a lil befor sunrise and the full moon was still up...anyway--my run down was great, only bout 4 other people on the trail that early.
took 90oz's of water/gatorade mix, some pomagranite juice n some dried pineapple pieces, n 3 oatmeal cookies in my lil red backpack :D and wore my nifty merrel trail-glove shoes, i LOVE these shoes!

Got my best time so far-77minutes 22 seconds down(= 1hr 17min) (thats 11 min miles, not great but itsa steep trail, and I walk the first about 3/4 mile to warm up n look at the purty sky, and had to stop n wait for the mules to pass, ha) *previous time was 83 minutes

rested at the boat-launch area on the other side of the river for 15 minutes ..

Back up the same trail was 166minutes 28 sec (=2hr 46minutes) just ran the first mile up and then walked/jogged the last 6 up ide like my "up" time to be 140mins (2hr 20min.) so im still workin on it :D *previous time was 3hr n a couple mins...i thinx?

walked home back to my dorm by Yavapai when i got back up top, I think thats another 3.5 miles, so I got ina good 17+miles today, and its not even noon yet 8)
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Post by everyday »

Oh! and i fell on the way down too, about 6 miles down where the dirt is dark red n poufy, i mis-stepped somehow on a right turn and went down totally forward and a lil to the left, ha, lol, my whole left side n front was covered in red dust, i slide a few feet too, never dropped my waterbottle though, lolol, wish someone had it on video, it was fun so it musta looked cool, like i suddenly decided to act like I was sliding in to home-base or somethin, sooo funny- not hurt, side of my leg is a tiny bit scraped it all, just got up n kept going. it coulda been bad if id slid the other way though, theres a slight drop-off on one side of the trails around here :wink:
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Post by Taco »

You slipped because you're wearing those gay shoes. Better get rid of them. :-)
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Post by everyday »

Not uh! YER gay! :evil:
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