Baldy Mega Loop - 15 Peaks in Day (6/11/11)

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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

Might be a stretch to call this a loop (it's more of a figure 8) but I did return to my car.

It's been a little under 8 months since my ankle was badly broken after being crushed by a boulder. I got back to attempting activities as soon as I was able but it wasn't easy. The prior 4 weekends to this one I finally started to feel like I was getting a little closer to normal. Those weekends included the Baldy 11 peak loop, Mount Whitney, Grand Canyon rim to rim, and the Iron-Baldy traverse (from Baldy Village). The ankle is not pain free (I feel every step) but it is definitely stronger. After 4 good weekends I felt it was time to give it a true test and see if I push it into the exteme. And I did.

My goal was to expand on the Baldy Loop -- tagging as many peaks in a single continuous hike as possible. The most peaks I had done in a Baldy loop previously was 11. I knew Rick Graham had done 13 peaks (adding on Dawson & Pine). I figured I'd add on Wright and Gobler's Knob. If the hike ended there that would be a substantial challenge on its own however I wanted to see if I could do it without a car shuttle (what was I thinking?).

I succeeded in tagging all 15 peaks in around 16 hours. That all went pretty well (except for annoying snow on the north sides of Baldy, Dawson, & Pine). I started at 4:30am and summitted Gobler's Knob at 8:35pm just as it got dark.

So now there was just the small matter of getting back to my car at Icehouse Canyon (yes, Icehouse!). It seemed like a logical solution: just drop down to the north fork of Lytle Creek and then hike up and over the Baldy Notch and then back down to Icehouse. I suppose the fact that it worked lends support to the initial decision but the execution was another matter. After 15 peaks hiking back what turned out to be 10.5 miles in the dark was a true test of fortitude. There were a few times I seriously considered a bivy. I came back over the notch a little after midnight and returned to Icehouse Canyon a few minutes after 2am. No dinner. Slept in the car. Distance: 40.5 miles. Elevation Gain: Plenty. Total time: 21.5 hours.

04:30a - Icehouse trailhead
05:46a - Sugarloaf (#1)
07:08a - Ontario (#2)
07:28a - False Ontario
08:04a - Bighorn (#3)
09:19a - Cucamonga (#4)
09:47a - Etiwanda (#5)
11:10a - Icehouse saddle
11:40a - Timber (#6)
11:52a - Timber/Telegraph saddle
12:41p - Telegraph (#7)
01:14p - Thunder (#8)
01:37p - Baldy Notch
02:02p - Left Baldy Notch
03:13p - Harwood (#9)
03:48p - Baldy (#10)
03:59p - West Baldy (#11)
04:15p - Baldy
04:50p - Baldy/Dawson saddle
05:25p - Dawson (#12)
06:03p - Pine (#13)
07:11p - Wright (#14)
08:35p - Gobler's Knob (#15)

10:24p - Gate at bottom of Baldy road
12:13p - Baldy Notch
12:53p - Bottom of the lift
02:03a - Icehouse trailhead

I'll put up photos as soon as I get my website back up (been putting it off for too long).

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Post by spotfin »

Nuts! Awesome!
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Post by hvydrt »

Wow, great job. You had 2.5 hours to spare, you should have added Wild View and Pine Mountain Ridge :D
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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

That thought had occurred to me earlier in the day since apparently I'll need to tag those two points some day. With a car shuttle it could be a consideration. I also still need Buck Point.
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Post by Taco »

Missed a spot. ;-)

That's gotta be a record!
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Post by He219 »

Well done, Rick!

what sort of rations an how much water did you take in?
(Don't tell us one can of beer and 3 macadamias ..)
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Post by obie »

...gasping for air as I read this.

Good one Rick.
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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

Started with around 1.5 liters of liquid drinks. Just enough to reach the notch. Refilled at the notch (downed a soda and half a bottle of cranberry juice). Left the notch with 1.5 liters again. Ran short of water on Pine Mtn. Added small amount of snow to bottle before leaving snow zone. Short again on Gobblers. Tried to stretch last few sips but had to consume final drops about an hour before reaching the notch. Didn't see a drinking fountain or faucet anywhere so proceeded down. At the lower lift station (1 am) a fully lit soda machine seemed like a halucination. It was real and I had a dollar. Downed one final soda as I made my way back to Icehouse.

As for food, I had a sandwich, some chips, a candy bar, 2 gel packs, and a couple gummy fruit snacks. I really wanted to get some fries at the notch but didn't want to wait.

My pack was small and light (a small hydration pack without the bladder).
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Post by TracieB »

Dude that's just... :shock: incredible.
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Post by LD »

My friend Brian was doing the 11 peak loop and started one hour behind you. He said he met you by Etiwanda. When he told me you were doing the 15 peaks we both wondered if you were going to get a shuttle lift. Never thought about going down to Lytle creek and coming back up that way :shock:
That’s some serious Zombie mileage!
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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

Ya I met up with Brian on my way back from Etiwanda (as he was heading to the peak). I was hoping he might catch back up with me but I must have stayed just a little ahead of him.
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Post by bluerail »

couldnt squeeze in Baden Powell ?
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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

Finally got my web site resurrected. Photos are here:
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Post by He219 »

Outstanding, Rick!

Thanks for the feedback.
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Post by HikeUp »

Pretty cool that reinhold messner signed that register. :wink:
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Post by snmtbaldy »

Hi Rick,
Congratulations on your ultimate adventure in Mt. Baldy area!!
No one can top what you have done.

I am glad that I didn't hike to Dawson and Pine on 12th. Mark and I were going to hike down but we changed our mind at last minutes. We were there earlier in the day with 3 peaks and had a nice breakfast at Notch 11:00 am. We could have waited for you for water and food supply if we have known your adventure.

If you didn't take that many pictures,you could have cut down at least one hour from your total hiking time. Every time I hike with fast hikers,I can't
take any picture at all. I only try to keep up with them and no time for pictures.

Please save some adventures for the future children of the earth.

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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

awesome! now you have to do the big 3.
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norma r
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Post by norma r »

HikeUp wrote: Pretty cool that reinhold messner signed that register. :wink:
Dang, he told me he was Norman Clyde. Shows what i know. :?

Amazing feat and feet Rick! Must feel great to know you can once again go the distance. Good for you! :D
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Rick Kent
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Post by Rick Kent »

Looks like it may have been a total of about 17,000 feet or so of elevation gain. A friend of mine analyzed the gps track and filtered out any ups and downs less than 40 feet. Before filtering the GPS track indicated around 20,000 feet but that's rarely very accurate.
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Dave G
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Post by Dave G »

Simply awesome, Rick! In spite of some lingering discomfort, I think we can safely say that you've bounced back from your injuries. :shock: You make a good case for aggressive PT.
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Post by tinaballina »

you are kicking ass out there. thanks for the help on eaton....:)
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