Crystal Lake Loop Hike May 21, 2011

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by donelliott »

Crystal Lake Loop May 21

Started hiking from Visitor Center through closed campground to Windy Gap trailhead (approx. .5 mile). Most of the parking lot near the Visitor Center/Store area was filled by 7 am. Have to park off side of road before entering in the Visitor Center area.

Windy Gap trailhead to South Mt. Hawkins Fire Road. (1.1 miles) This trail is in fine shape.

South Mt. Hawkins Fire Road to South Mt. Hawkins peak. (3.7 miles) Fire road has not been used in a long time and has grass growing on roadbed. Nice for hiking. There were two major washouts that you need to be careful climbing down, then back up. Nothing very hard, but take your time for safety.

On top of South Mt. Hawkins the fire tower is of course gone, but it was interesting to see a circular cement platform with a metal toilet. All that is left from the fire. With Mt. Baldy in the background this would make neat photo if I brought a camera. A newer portable building with antennas for some sort of communications system has been placed on the peak.

Took the trail down from the peak to the saddle instead of the road. (.5 mile) It would be safer to take the road.

Next took the Mt Hawkins trail up to the Pacific Crest Trail. Started on a trail, then somehow lost it. But kept on going up the ridge, which is easy. Found the trail again and was in pretty good shape. A few fallen trees to climb over or under, but nothing hard. (2.3 miles)

Next went west on the Pacific Crest Trail to Windy Gap. (1.4 miles) Trail in fine condition. Then up to Mt. Islip (.8 miles) Trail also in fine condition.

Now comes the interesting part. Head down the Islip Ridge Trail. Fairly easy to the junction of the Big Cienega trail, but a fair amount of tree fall to climb over/under or around. (.9 miles) After the junction continuing down the Islip Ridge Trail the next two miles are a challenge. Many, many fallen trees cover the trail. Takes time to navigate around it and then find the trail. The trail can be very faint at times. Then a little more than 2 miles from the lake, the trail maintenance crew has cut most of the fallen trees and the trail is easy to find and easy to hike on. (3.9 miles)

After arriving at the lake, took the upper road to the Lake Trail to the Visitor Center (1 mile). All in fine condition.

Total mileage 16.1

Beautiful clear day.
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Post by hvydrt »

Nice trip report. I did a loop in the area on Sunday and there were definitely a lot of downed trees below Islip.
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Post by GreenMountainBoy »

hvydrt wrote: Nice trip report. I did a loop in the area on Sunday and there were definitely a lot of downed trees below Islip.
Ha! Says the fastest man alive moving downhill...there were certainly many trees. I still don't know how you did it so fast.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

GreenMountainBoy wrote: I still don't know how you did it so fast.

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