Ice House Canyon Trail

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Post by KathyW »

Yes, there are still 4 patches like the one in your picture on the Chapman Trail - a good drop if you fall, but the snow was soft without being slushy and there was a good boot track through them. The regular trail is probably the safest way to go until those patches melt out, which won't be long.
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Post by robnokshus »

I was thinking of hiking up Ice House Canyon for the first time this Sunday and I have a few questions. I've read that you need a wilderness permit. What is the best way to obtain one? If I arrive at the trailhead early (6a-7a) is there a way to self register for a permit? Is there a ranger station there? I've done a lot of hiking in the San Gabriels but for some reason have never gotten around to Ice House Canyon. Oh well, that changes this weekend!

Would greatly appreciate any and all tips you might have. I love coming to this forum, though I rarely post. I feel like I know so many of you and really enjoy reading of all your exploits! Thanks in advance.
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Post by simonov »

Call the visitors center the day before and ask for a permit. They will pin it to the bulletin board outside the building, across the street from the Baldy Lodge. You can pick it up in the morning as you come up.

Mt. Baldy Visitor Center
Mt. Baldy Road
Mt. Baldy, CA 91759
(909) 982-2829
M-F 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Sat. and Sun. 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
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Post by asbufra »

The Ranger Station is the one in the Village of Mt Baldy. You can pick up a permit there; I believe they open around 7.

Or you can call them the day before and they will leave a permit on the bulletin board out in front.

Or you can just go without a permit. I stopped getting permits a few years ago (it was too hard to plan ahead). No one ever asks to see your permit and there are no quotas.

It is better to start early; if you arrive late (after 7AM some weekends) you may need to park on the road below the parking lot.

It is a beautiful hike you will enjoy it. Be sure to go beyond Ice House Saddle, there are interesting things to see in all directions.

There is Columbine Spring with cool water on the way to the saddle, but I am pretty sure there is no water at Kelly Camp this year.

Don't leave valuables or a cooler in view in your car.
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Post by Sublatum »

Hi Everyone!

I haven't hiked around San Gabriel's in this time of year before. Does anyone have an idea of what Ice House may be like this time of year? I want to take a nice hike, and don't mind a little snow, but i don't have crampons or anything.
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Post by asbufra »

Ice house should be fine with only a few patches of snow to Ice House Saddle. From there the North Facing Slopes of Big Horn and Ontario Ridge may be slippery with icy snow, it depends on the temperature. Timber mountain should be ok with only a few patches of snow.
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Post by Sublatum »

Thats great! Thanks for the reply, I doubt i'll go past the saddle.
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Post by friendowl »

you will have an awesome walk...i took a first timer up today and we never had any house saddle is OK but since you are so close why not spend a few minutes more and bag the first T....i spoke with an older korean couple who were just down from Cucamonga and they claimed to not having to use any pons.
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Post by Sublatum »

Thats great to hear as well! I am taking a first timer tomorrow. If they arnt dead by Saddle, you suggest cucamunga?
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Post by Illusive »

I'd suggest taking them up to timber, the distance/gain is much less than going to cucamonga, and the route should be clear of snow and ice except for the very top of the peak.
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Post by Sublatum »

Great! I will let everyone know how it goes, thanks again.
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Post by michaetb »

I'm going to be heading up to Ice House Saddle tomorrow at around 6:30 and maybe head over to Ontario Peak or Rancho Peak to take some pictures and check out the conditions.

Does anyone know what the current conditions are on the ski hut trail?

I'm also looking for a place to practice self arrest and belaying. I have a few places in mind in and around the Ice House Trail but does anyone have any other suggestions?
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Post by Sublatum »

I am so glad I went! We only got as far as the saddle as my first timer was kaput by then. It was beautiful out, with some minor difficult icy spots that we were able to cross pretty easily. I think it was colder up there when i went last may than it was last weekend in February. I am also glad i went before the rain we had last week.

A big thanks again to you guys for giving me solid advice!
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Post by longcut »

Anybody been to baldy this weekend? My family would like to try snowshoeing and im not sure where to go. Do i need chains to reach icehouse or manker? Is it good conditions right now?
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Post by michaetb »

Yes, I was up there yesterday and there was plenty of snow.
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Post by DukeJH »

Absolutely. Went almost to the saddle before I was sick of postholing. When I sank to my nuts I'd had enough. Snowshoes go on the list now.
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Post by longcut »

How far up do the kids have to hike to reach snowshoe worthy conditions? I realize the trail is probably packed down but along the sides can we get some decent snowshoeing right from the trail head? or even in the larger canyon area west of the road? I might just ditch work tomorrow and take them up there so i want to make sure i know where to go.
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Post by DukeJH »

Sorry for the delayed response. Once you get into the wider area of the canyon there's snowshoeable (is that a word?) terrain. The trail was pretty packed down on my way out Sunday afternoon but there was plenty of opportunity down in the canyon and on the slopes.

With the warm temperatures be on the lookout for wet slides if you're playing on the slopes.
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Post by longcut »

excellent, thank your for the help. i hope we get to go, theyve been waiting a long time to get the chance.
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Post by obie »

Anyone hike Icehouse Canyon today?

Thinking of doing some hiking Sunday.

Still rehabbing my leg - this will be my first hike in 7 months.

Want to keep things 'molto adagio' for this outing. :D
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Post by OutdoorJ »

Heres a look at icehouse on Friday during a whiteout. Really glad I was able to get up there in those conditions. Completely beautiful.

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Post by everyday »

Seven months!?? holy crap, howde you stand it?? ive been laid up only 5 days of the 6-8 wks i hafta take off, and its already starting to get to me a lil. -Anyway, I hope you have a good time getting out on Sunday!! im hopefully gonna be going to the same place in a few weeks :D
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Post by obie »

everyday wrote: Seven months!?? holy crap, howde you stand it??
It's fading into the past now that I'm out there riding. Hiking seems out of the question, at least San Gabs, for a few more months. I was limping for a full four days after Icehouse.

I'm riding fireroad on the MTB and car-camping. The more climbing I did on the MTB out in JTree the stronger my leg/ankle got. It's a heck of a lot more interesting in the desert than swimming laps in the community pool.

Heal up fast. How'd you get dinged up?
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Post by everyday »

obie wrote: Heal up fast. How'd you get dinged up?
Thanx. um, it was voluntary, sorta. I have braces, and now that my teeth are pretty much fixed, I also had to have major jaw surgery ta get everything aligned properly. They cut through my upper and lower jaw bones and palate in 4 or 5 places and moved em forward. They inserted titanium plates to put em back together. this was on wednesday. i got to wait about 6-8 weeks befor my Dr wants me on the trails. the way i look right now im not to keen on bein seen in public anyways, ha. my face is hella swelled up, I look really funny! but i was able to lift some real light weights today, am still pretty weak though from liquid diet, ive dropped almost 10lbs in 5 days, crazy how much a half day in surgery can take outa ya. anyways, im rambling , ima blame it on my meds.... :D
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Post by lilbitmo »

Anyone know the conditions up to Ice House Saddle? Up to Bighorn Summit? How much snow is on the trail in those areas?


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Post by longcut »

Went up icehouse to Timber Mountain yesterday. Although I miss the snow, it's been nice lately with perfect conditions in the high country for running. A challenging mix of snow, mud, small icy patches. Never needed my microspikes on this one but i'm glad I had them in case conditions changed.
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Post by VermillionPearlGirl »

I went up Icehouse today and yeah, patches of snow and mud but nothing too bad. But I went down the Chapman Trail and there was a small but serious section of trail that was dangerously icy. Kind of scared the crap out me going through it!

But it's really pretty up that way right now though :)
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Post by JeffH »

Anyone seen it this week? It's been warmer at Baldy Notch (61 today!) so it might be all melted off, but I'd like to know firsthand if possible.... Looking for a place to walk with ex-gf over this weekend and that's probably doable for her.

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Post by yobtaf »

How is the parking usually on a Friday morning at Icehouse? And how safe is it for overnight parking?
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Post by andthewalrus »

i had a random friday off from work in May. I got to the trailhead at noon, and there were still only 9 or 10 cars in the parking lot. It was hot as hell on the way up, but that is a different story. I've never left a car there overnight, so i can't speak to that. Backpackers have their cars broken into everywhere, so its probably as safe as anywhere else.
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