A Really Goode Route Up Baldy 12-5-10

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Dave G
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Post by Dave G »

Phil and I have been using Goode Canyon as an approach to Baldy’s South Ridge for sometime and had wondered how it would go as a route to the summit. While I was off climbing Split Mtn in September, Phil got a chance to do the route and yesterday we repeated it. With very little bushwhacking and lots of fun bouldering and short class 3 sections, this is a very cool way to climb Baldy. Once above ~9K’ you have several options where to exit the canyon and join the Baldy Bowl Trail, or you can continue all the way up to the West Baldy/Baldy Saddle, passing the Hellcats wreckage along the way.

Photos are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21042415@N ... 418258879/
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Post by lilbitmo »

Nice work Phil, nice pictures - tell - Phil and Dave not to go without me next time :D
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Post by mve »

Great adventure Dave! I always wondered where that side of the mountain leads to ... And fresh backed cinnamon rolls! WOW you guys know how to travel in style :lol:
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Dave G
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Post by Dave G »

lilbitmo wrote: Nice work Phil, nice pictures - tell - Phil and Dave not to go without me next time :D
Patrick~I actually thought about calling you on this one because I knew you would have liked it, but I figured you and Stubby weren't cleared for scrambling quite yet. :o I'm sure I'll be doing it again in the not too distant future.
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Post by hvydrt »

Nice trip report, that looks like a lot of fun. And those cinnamon rolls look really tasty!
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Post by Taco »

Nice job, guys! I reckon that's the most common way lost folks come down in a storm. I've heard a few SAR stories about Goode. :-)
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Post by He219 »

Looks like a fun outing, Dave & Phil!
I like your field bakery, totally awesome.
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norma r
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Post by norma r »

Fun hike guys! It would be cool to continue up-canyon and see all of the Hellcat wreckage. Especially in a little more snow.

Loved the Alpine Bakery! Yum, yum! Those rolls would have gone good with the Hazelnut Latte that was in my thermos on BP. :wink: We gotta' join epicurean forces!
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Post by lik2hik »

It was a fun hike. Lots of solitude to be found up there!

Norma -
We were supposed to go straight up canyon by the Hellcats, but my routefinding skills kicked in and we ended up on the Baldy Bowl side :roll:

Latte + cinnamon rolls sounds like a winner!
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