"Photography on the Run" on the closure

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Post by cougarmagic »

Gary Valle is a great athlete, a nice guy, and a very good writer.

http://www.photographyontherun.com/Ange ... 92011.aspx
Long experience in Southern California demonstrates that public lands can be reopened in a timely fashion following a fire without abusing resources, or putting the public in undue peril. It is time to stop the doublespeak and reopen all but the most severely damaged areas of the Station Fire burn area to public use.

The Station Fire closure area is in the congressional districts of Rep. David Dreier [R-CA26] and Rep. Howard McKeon [R-CA25]. California's senators are Sen. Barbara Boxer [D-CA] and Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA]. Determine and contact your Congressperson.
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

i missed this post. very well said
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Post by AlanK »

Well said indeed. I have generally been understanding, even supportive, of forest closures, etc. after past fires. At the very least, I try to give those in authority the benefit of the doubt. But, in the aftermath of the Station Fire, I see virtually no sign that those in authority have any idea that they are supposed to be serving the public. The public is being treated as a pest that must be kept away.

Write to your representatives.
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