Sheep Again

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Post by asbufra »

The last time I saw a Bighorn Sheep on Ontario Ridge, he ran away quickly. Today I came upon one and he acted like he saw humans every day, maybe he does.

The sheep was standing about 30 feet from the trail and he had no thought of moving.

Eventually he moved even closer.

I was beginning to wonder if these beasts ever harm humans, or is he laughing at me?

I sure wouldn't want to get a head butt from that forehead. He was curious about me for sure.

I continued my walk and figured he would be long gone when I returned, but he had only moved over to the other side of the trail and settled down on a rock to rest. I guess he was the lookout.
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Post by vbmatloff »

These are the best photos I've seen of Big Horn Sheep :wink: and the closest ones too. I just am not that lucky when it comes to seeing wild life. Way to go, asbufra, consider yourself blessed!
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Post by Ze Hiker »

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Wow! Fantastic photos.

Yeah, I think you'd want to be somewhat circumspect (or at least be in amongst some trees) when getting close to a Bighorn that shows no fear. Them standing fast like that is unusual. Usually, they just take off on me. Obviously some of those shots were telephoto. How close did you actually get?

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Post by cougarmagic »

Holy cow! Holy SHEEP! Amazing photos, and wow what a cool experience...congrats!
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Post by asbufra »

Thanks for the compliments on the photos.

Jim, I estimate I was around 30 to 35 feet away at first and then around 20 feet, not close enough to feed him grass by hand or anything. The trail was U shaped right there and I just stood still or circled around him as I passed. I never walked towards him or I think he would have left. Its a $200 camera not an expensive telephoto, but lots of light makes the difference.

This shot is from my 20 foot estimated distance.

There were no good trees to climb ( I thought about it) but there were many dead and down trees to try and hide behind or crawl under. Plus being on the path gave me a disneyesque feeling of security.

I think mature males like this one fear nothing.
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Post by vbmatloff »

Frank, I sent this link to a friend of mine and you evidently helped him up about a month ago while he was coming down from Baldy and fell. He told me about you and said you hiked all over. He just came back from summiting Shasta on July 1st.

20 to 30 feet away is amazing!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Wow, twenty feet; that's exceptional. Every photo a winner. Thanks for posting 'em.

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Post by HikeUp »

Great pictures. I never realized they have that mark below their eyes.

Gigamike took some pics (starting with #93) of some sheep this past weekend in the same area I think (hope Mike doesn't mind me linking to them).
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Post by Mike P »

Thanks for posting those pics. INCREDIBLE!
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Post by asbufra »

I have been thinking of JT and hoping He was safe while wondering if he made the summit of Shasta. That is good news. thanks
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Post by EManBevHills »

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Post by Cy Kaicener »

Great close up pictures. Thanks for sharing 8)
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Post by GigaMike »

Hikeup, Thanks for posting the link to my pictures.

asbufra, great photos! What day did you take these photo? I was on Ontario Ridge July 4th and ran into a group of 6 males. They were giving me the stare down, so I wasn't about to get close to them. I was happy to use my 12x zoom! :lol:




There are more pictures towards the end of this album: ... 2182_nckjV
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Post by EManBevHills »

What a great sight to behold as you were getting close to the end of your 11 summit peakathon!

Congrats, GigaMike.
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Post by mve »

WOW what a capture -- nice job!
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Post by asbufra »


Great photos of remarkable animals.

I have never seen a group of males like you did. I don't think they would bother a human as long as you don't corner them or try and walk up to them.

The one I photographed was probably one of the six you saw. The others were probably bedded down nearby. I was there around 10 in the morning. on July 6th, it was near Ontario peak.
I worry that they would be an easy mark for hunters. Is sheep hunting allowed up there during hunting season?

Nice job on the 11 peaks, how do you find time to photgraph and walk that far?
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Hunting isn't allowed... but it still goes on anyway. :( Apparently the sheep's horns are used for some (ahem) "medicinal" purposes.

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Post by snmtbaldy »

Hi Frank,
The best pictures of Bighornsheep.
You should show the pictures to Steve, a manager of visitor center, who also researches bighornsheep.
I am sure that he will be shocked to see your pictures.
Have a good hike.
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