Vincent Gap Trail (Mt. Baden-Powell)

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Uncle Rico
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Does anyone know what current conditions are like on Baden-Powell? Looking to make the ascent via Vincent Gap in about a week and am wondering about snow and ice. I can deal with relatively small amounts of snow trailside, but am ill-equipped to tackle deep snow and ice. Thx.
--Uncle Rico
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

I'd say it's still too early. You'd need an ice axe and crampons and the experience and training to use them.
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Thanks Jim. I knew that would be the answer. Wishful thinking on my behalf.
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Doug Forbes
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Post by Doug Forbes »

I agree about current conditions. I was up on the "direct route - east ridge" from Vincent Gap early morning 3/22 and found lots of very hard snow/ice on the way up through the steep forest to the final ridge run. Crampons & axe were necessary (mostly french technique w/some front pointing): On the way down, I actually had to front-point down a particularly steep and icy section at about 8,000 ft. (a little slip got my adrenalin flowing and prompted me to face the slope and take my time....).

Doug F.
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Post by Uncle Rico »

10-4 Doug F. Mucho appreciato.
--Uncle Rico
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Post by LD »

Just a quick report on BP. As of this last Saturday the north side still has good coverage. After the first few switchbacks the snow starts. This last storm dropped about 2-4 inches of fresh snow over a hard layer of ice or very hard packed snow. Perfect for crampons. Still a lot of snow toward the top.
The gulley just east of the ridgeline trail is still in good condition for glissading. We made it down from the top almost all the way to the parking lot in 45 minutes . Good times :)

For you skiers we met one at the top and he beat us down to the parking lot. Took one of the north chutes and made it to the road in 15 minutes from the top.
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Post by Taco »

Most excellent!
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Post by EManBevHills »

I am confused as to it's hiking status.
Anyone care to shed some light on this?

The Morris Fire map suggests it is indeed open.....

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Leighton »

It was open on November 8th. We hiked to Big Horn mine and then went in search of old miner Vincent's cabin. On returning to the parking lot at Vincent Gap, I talked to two guys that had just finished Baden-Powell.
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Post by lilbitmo »


I will be going up Baden Powell in the morning, should be there at 7 AM or just before that.

lilbitmo :D
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Post by Zach »

is there water near or on the trail in that area?
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Post by lilbitmo »

There's a spring off the trail about 1.7 miles along the trail called Lamel Spring it's just below and to the east of the main trail about 200 yards. I've never gotten water out of it but the books all say it's a "Trickle" at the end of a pipe.

Can anyone else shed light on that source of water? :D
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Post by moppychris »

lilbitmo wrote:Can anyone else shed light on that source of water? :D
Last spring, while heading back down, we hooked a right off trail, it was a trickle. But I imagine it is still going. Let me tell you, that spring can cure some really bad cotton mouth. :wink:
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Post by EManBevHills »

We're planning on going up Sunday, late for us. I want to drive the 2 from La Canada to Dawson apres dawn. Might ascend via Troop instead of from Vincent Gap.
I feel a need to see it all for myself in the light -- contrary to some other opinions on this board -- before weather closes part of the road for the season!


Have a good hike, Patrick.

BTW, I had a look see at lower Tahunga CYN today on my road bike and it was bleak to say the least.....
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Post by Layne Cantrell »

EManBevHills wrote: I feel a need to see it all for myself in the light -- contrary to some other opinions on this board -- before weather closes part of the road for the season!
Bring tissues and maybe a barf bag. Its awful for many, many, many miles.
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Post by Zach »

EManBevHills wrote:We're planning on going up Sunday, late for us. I want to drive the 2 from La Canada to Dawson apres dawn. Might ascend via Troop instead of from Vincent Gap.
Hey, I'll be passing through the area as well! Coming from the fish fork, up the prairie fork trail to baden powell. Weather should be interesting...
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Post by michaelmagno »

Headed up BP tomorrow via Vincent Gap and the use trail, and wondering about conditions. Anyone been up lately?
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Post by lilbitmo »

Last month Elwood on his own, Zach, I and Newbie went up and then Taco went up the following week.

TR's here -

Have fun and post a report for the rest of us to know what conditions are, thanks.

lilbitmo :D
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Post by KathyW »

Yes, please report back on conditions. I'll bet it's icy and there's a good amount of pucker factor involved with climbing Baden-Powell right now, but that's just a guess.
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Post by canoeman »

I can see it from my kitchen window.Nice and snowy, hope you own good pair of heavy duty gaiters, but view is stunning.
Clouds are low, mountain is high, makes for wonderful pictures.
Blue ridge pics are stunning this time of year as well.
take mountain high lift to top of blue ridge, with cross country skis.....come down back way to inspiration point.
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Post by Taco »

Hey Canoeman, thanks. I will be heading up there tomorrow. I appreciate your input. I can see the south side of BP from my livingroom, but that doesn't quite help. :-)
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Post by MtnMan »

canoeman wrote:take mountain high lift to top of blue ridge, with cross country skis.....come down back way to inspiration point.
Technically, not allowed at MH (or most ski areas). Either XC at a designated downhill only area and/or going out of bounds via ski lift access. Both can result in a ticket being pulled and/or fined.

Thanks again for the great advice. :roll:
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Post by canoeman »

MTNMAN, feel free to ignore my posts.
frankly I'm tired of your snotty rude responses.
please keep them to yourself.
Your constant cheap shots are getting old.
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Post by canoeman »

Sorry, should have been more clear.
I live just down from the base of Islip.
I was up from vincent gap on the weekend.

TacoDelRio wrote:Hey Canoeman, thanks. I will be heading up there tomorrow. I appreciate your input. I can see the south side of BP from my livingroom, but that doesn't quite help. :-)
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Post by MtnMan »

canoeman wrote:MTNMAN, feel free to ignore my posts.
frankly I'm tired of your snotty rude responses.
please keep them to yourself.
Your constant cheap shots are getting old.
One of my peeves is people that spew BS and continually give out bad information that can get people in trouble.

It's real simple. Give accurate and factual information, (not what you deem are facts, which are really just your opinions) and you won't have me responding to your posts.
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Post by michaelmagno »

I've got a hankerin' simmerin' for a heaping helping of Baden-Powell from Vincent Gap via the use trail. Anyone been up post storms? Has trail been broken yet? Is the snow consolidated enough to make the trip with crampons only? Is the road open? Avy danger? Usual recon questions. Thanks.
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Post by hamik »

From Kenny Oslund of JPL, sent on Feb 1:

Yesterday, Marc, Nate, Kedron and I summited Mt. Baden-Powell. It's
gorgeous out there and the snow pack is holding up quite well.
Coverage is good despite the warm temps, and it seemed really stable,
although we didn't dig a pit or do any more formal analysis. We stuck
an avalanche probe down in the snow near the summit just to see how
deep it was; I'm not sure how much you can say from one measurement
taken from a spot that's probably wind loaded, but there was still
about 160cm of snow- not too bad for the san gabes! up high (above
somewhere probably between 8k and 8.5k ft) the snow is pretty soft and
powdery on north facing slopes- made for some pretty good skiing,
although you didn't sink in very much. further down, there's a pretty
strong melt-freeze crust setting up- not very nice to ski on. It
probably got into the 40s or 50s at the trail head, but not above the
mid 30s at the summit (may have even stayed bellow freezing all day up
that high). Can't wait for the next snow- since we have such a good
base (by san gabe standards) it will make for epic skiing even if we
only get 10-12"!

Here are my pictures:
and Marc's ... ll20100131#

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Post by Rumpled »

On Monday looking over from Mt High it looked pretty snowy.
That's about all the detail I have, sorry.
Oh, and some clouds.
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Post by luciano136 »

Might as well bump this one too :)
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Post by michaelmagno »

Hiking Buddy and I planning on a hike up BP from Vincent Gap this weekend. Anyone been up the trail lately? From my vantage point in the Antelope Valley, it seems as if there's still quite a bit of coverage, but what condition is the snowpack in? Any details appreciated.
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