Mt. Baden-Powell - 11/7/09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by drhabes »

Well I hadn't planned on hiking BP today but when I got to Vincent Gap this is what greeted me! :x


I asked the guy what was going on since I had called the FS about a week ago and they said the road was open to Islip Saddle where it was closed due to the Station Fire. (Hwy 39) He said it was now closed for the winter! Well so much for my plans of the day which was to hike out from Dawson Saddle and trek over the Hawkins ridge down to South Hawkins. Humm...guess that will have to wait until next year!

Still it was a beautful day to hike up BP. That is still an interesting climb to the top! Consistently steep all the way! A few of the views along the way:




Once at the top we where greeted with amazing views!



Here was our hiking log for the day:

Vincent Gap/ Baden-Powell trail head 8:09am
PCT mile 1 marker 8:43am
Leumel Springs 9:10am
PCT mile 2 marker 9:14am
PCT mile 3 marker 10:07am
Mt. Baden-Powell summit 11:03am
leave summit 11:52 am
Vincent Gap parking lot 1:34pm

One interesting view was that of a "white" patch seen on the ridge above Mountain High Ski Resort:


Yes, that is SNOW! Some folks where actually skiing down this run! WOW! I guess it's never too learly to break out the skis!

Another wonderful day hiking is SoCal! :lol:

Rest of the pictures are here .
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Post by HikeUp »

Nice pics...the blues are so BLUE!

I wish they'd not close the highway between Vincent Gap and Islip Saddle until there was an actual reason to close it - like SNOW!
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Post by canoeman »

Nice pictures.
if anyone is going to be up there next week feel to pick up water cache across the parking lot on the pct 100 yds up trail. the last of the thru hikers going south bound left it for are done.
4 jug gallons
I will remove it just before snowfall.
water was put out 10/29
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Post by simonov »

That's one of the nicest hikes in the San Gabes. I keep forgetting about it.

I think I'll head up there next weekend.
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