Ski Hut Rattlesnake

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Post by RichardK »

Fran and I were on Baldy Saturday. While resting at the Ski Hut, we saw a guy tossing rocks under a tree. What is this fool doing?
Then a rattlesnake crawled out from under the tree. Now the idiot lifts a huge rock over his head. We both shouted out "No, no, don't kill the snake!"
He said "It's poisonous." Fran, in a tone suitable for an Irish woman with a short temper, answered "So what!!!" The moron sheepishly puts his rock aside.
Meanwhile, the snake makes it to the safety of a hollow stump.

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Post by Funyan005 »

I wouldve thrown an even bigger rock at him
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Post by moppychris »

people like that deserve a bite. I have seen three people on three different occasions beat down and kill rattlers just cause they are basking in the sun. next time i see something like that I'm going to be the one beating him with a stick.
good job stopping that moron.
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Post by Elwood »

Thanks for saving the Rattler and the nice picture!
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Post by EnFuego »

I have yet to see a snake on Baldy. Dang!!!!!
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Post by dgrimreaper »

I've yet to see a snake on Baldy, and I'm just fine with that.
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Post by Zach »

Was the snake rattling? at the douche?
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Post by RichardK »

This was the first rattler that I've seen on the Ski Hut trail. Icehouse Canyon has a lot more. Sometimes it seems like there is a rattle behind every bush in the canyon. I don't know if the snake rattled at the guy - I was sitting too far away. The snake was quiet by the time it crawled into the hollow stump.
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Post by Taco »

I see one near the stream y the hut every so often. Just gotta make sure he can get into the foliage before anyone comes by.
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Post by titanhangman »

I really didn't realize snakes were up that high, and I also figured it was too late in the season for them if they were present. But I also saw a snake (a Gopher or Garter snake, I think), near the bottom of the Bear Flat trail Saturday.

I used to be deathly afraid of snakes, and I attribute that to my dad who hated them and told horror stories about how bad they were. He would have killed that snake that day. But then I started seeing them in the wild personally, and educating myself about them. Even though I don't like them, I think they're cool, and I wouldn't hurt one if it was minding it's own business- which they always are, of course. In fact, I've yet to see one in the wild that couldn't wait to get away.

This year I've seen 7 Rattlers in various places (5 alone in my travels through Temescal cnyn. in the Santa Monica mountains), plus several other types of snakes. I've pretty much gotten over my fear of them and now I look forward to seeing one now and again.
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