REI Half Dome 2 tent footprint fails

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Post by calicokid »

I have a REI half dome 2 tent plus the foot print for about 2 years. Last two camping trips, I noticed some wet spots between the tent floor and the footprints. Both time the weather was dry, no dew at all.

It seems that water seeping through the footprint from the ground. The other theory is condensation, but the rest of the tent was dry except a few spots were damp.

Anyone experience similar problems?

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Post by EnFuego »

I have experienced this myself on some trips. On my last trips to the Sierra's, i had no problems the first or third nights, but on the second night, I had soem moisture between my footprint and tent floor. I was using a Big Agnes Fly Creek UL1.

During dry conditions, mountaure on the foot print is basically the result of condensation caused from damp ground and/or a drop in temperature.
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Post by phydeux »

Don't even bother with a footprint. Those things are one of the biggest rip-offs in outdoor gear. Instead, go to your local hardware store (Home Despot, Lowe's, etc) and get a plastic painter's dropcloth. Its waterproof plastic, so no worries about condensation coming up through it. Get a slightly thicker one (1 mil thickness works great!) and it'll take some abuse from the small rocks and sticks that inevitably lodge under your tent. They're 9 ft x 12ft, so you can cut one into 4 pieces. When one piece wears out, just throw it out and use another piece.
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