Llanover Mtn.

Archived TRs for ranges outside California.
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Post by He219 »

West Redonda Island, British Columbia last week Tuesday.
Only 683 meters, but we had to hike up something in Desolation Sound ..

We followed an old logging road for an hour from our anchorage at Roscoe Bay.
We passed some beaver dams and headed up densely forested terrain with lush undergrowth on soft decomposing mulch.
It got steep at the end and there even was a register on top. The only a view was to the southwest because of dense trees.
Discovery Islands and Clayoquot Plateau on Vancouver Island
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Beautiful! Very nice country.
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Post by kgw »

Way out there! Long time ago, I helped a friend who had bought a 1/4 section of land just north of Tweedsmuir Provincial Park: set him up for his first winter. That is just about due east from where you are in Refuge Bay.

The locals always said to take a guide into the bush because it all looks the same after a while!
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Post by Taco »

Good pics, brotha.
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