Yeah, I know, do I go anywhere else? But had to wrap a few loose ends in these parts and did so.
Started out early(5:15am) and was fine. Light rain sort of put a damper on things but it was really lite. Past the bridge and on to Falls Gulch. Light snow on this side of Iron scared me enough to just head back. Other than Ross/Baden-Powell & Iron it was a beautiful day, clear skies.....
Had enough time, so I went to the same place as last trip. Nice...started to lose energy and got back to the bridge at 2:45pm. But it didnt get dark and I returned back to the car at 4:45pm...some photos...great day, I took like 40 photos...
Narrows again...
Looking towards Devils Gulch/(Mt SHawkins?)...
Ross(top was covered in clouds)/Vincent Gap was barely visible
Looking upstream in Falls Gulch towards Iron
Westside of Iron Mtn(at lower elevations)...
BTN canyon +1 ridge..awesome...
Last storm crossing(or first going upstream)..conditions were back to slighty fast moving stream...notice graffiti as well...this is about 1/2-3/4 mile from the trailhead....