Upper Fish Fork Camp 7/25/09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Richard N.
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Post by Richard N. »

Headed out of Lupine Camp @ 7:30 this morning. This was our second attempt to get to the Upper Fish Fork Campground. Last September we made the ridge about 1000' above the camp, but today would be different. :lol:

We took the exact same route as in September with a slight change after Little Fish Fork Camp. We continued on one of the old logging roads to a new drop off point. It took us a little off from where we were last time but we followed our way right to the ridge we wanted. We knew that Matt had found the old trail and based on his tracks, we knew the trail was no more than 40' below our ridge. We headed down and in no time we were on the old trail. The trail is in pretty good condition for the most part. Some spots one just has to watch their step. We now knew we had about 1000' feet down to go in about less than a mile.
We could hear the roar of the water way down in the canyon and as we drew closer, the sound was even more exhilarating. :D
Making a series of short switchbacks down, we finally saw the river and the sign welcoming us to the Upper Fish Fork Campground.
:D :D
It is very apparent that no one has camped here is a long long time. Like a very long time. The main camping sites that we were able to locate had a lot of downed branches and leaves everywhere. If its peace and solitude you are seeking, this is the place for you. :D
The water was running very nicely and it was ice cold and delicious.

We had taken our time coming down with stops on a high ridge overlooking Little Fish Fork, a stop at Little Fish Fork and just short stops to take in all the incredible vistas along the way. We arrived at the camp @ 11:30am, but realistically, we could have done it in 3 hours. WE enjoyed a nice 2 hours in the canyon. Our hike out only took 3.5 hours. We were extremely fortunate that there was on occasion, high thunder clouds blocking the sun but most of all, we had some wonderful breezes all the way up and back to Lupine Camp.
I almost stepped on a 4' Timer Rattlesnake shortly after we left Little Fish Fork on our way out. How I missed a 4' rattlesnake is anyone guess.:?: We were keeping a watch for them since we found a small snake in our camp on Friday morning.

Anyone who plans to seek out this long and forgotten camp will be in for a real treat once you find it. If you're in no rush, bring your sleeping gear and spend the night. You may be the first to do so in who knows how many years.



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Post by Taco »

Super cool. Ignored spots are great!

Rattlers scare the sh*t outta me. :lol:
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Post by mattmaxon »

Hey most excellent! I can feel the cool breezes and flowing water now!


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Post by RyanB »

I camped down just past Upper Fish Fork camp last weekend with a friend. We saw two black bears (although they were more of a cinnamon color) in the creek (maybe 50 yards away) between Little and Upper Fish Fork on our way out. They watched us for a about 5 minutes and then took off down the canyon. Very cool. That area is still very wild.
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