Mt. Wilson attempt, 2/14/09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Liz »

My husband and I attempted to hike Mt. Wilson yesterday. We started from Chantry Flat, beginning a counter clockwise loop. We wanted to go that way, because we expected less crowds and more snow. We were right! We started our hike, under a blue, cloudless sky.

Around 3,000 feet, things started getting interesting. As the sun grew higher, it started to melt the snow and ice up in the trees. At first we got a light misting as the thaw began. Then, we experienced an all out deluge! I stopped to put on my rain shell and pack cover. We were in an icy rain forest! I’ve never seen a thaw quite like that, and the other hikers we met said the same thing.

We kept on going, gaining elevation and of course, the ice kept falling and the snow got deeper. A cloud layer came in, and it got cooler. Eventually we were alone on the trail. We followed footsteps of the only other hike who’d been that high up the Sturtevant Trail that morning. We hiked for about 10 minutes beyond the Halfway Rest sign, when we ran into that solo hiker. He said he had gone as high as he could do, but eventually lost the trail. We decided to push on. We eventually donned our gaiters as we tromped through the fresh powder. We saw how far the solo hiker had gotten, and now it was my turn to break the trail. We got into knee-deep snow, and then lost the trail. Well, actually, I felt like we may have been on it, but it was not clear. Plus there was a lot of fresh, loose snow and we saw several mini avalanches. We decided that it was prudent to turn around. My guess is we got within a quarter mile, or less, of the summit.

On our way down, we met a group of hikers with the Sierra Club. I believe they said they were doing a wilderness training class. They decided to turn around, just a little way beyond Halfway Rest. They were very kind and generous, offering us hot chocolate- which we happily accepted.

As we descended, the trail was now a bit icy, and we knew that we’d enjoyed that brief window, with all that lovely powder. Although we did not make the summit, we had a lovely hike and enjoyed it thoroughly.

Check out our pics here: ... 827355561/
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Post by Zach »

Nice TR, myself and lilbitmo hiked up rattlesnake peak from the old shoemaker road yesterday. I think you would have enjoyed it, a lot of uphill as well as some x-country hiking. I think we're gonna plan a hike up rattlesnake (by way of an old use trail we found) and beyond to S. Mt. Hawkins. Should be plenty of rigorous uphill and even x-country travel. I'll let you and EnFuego know the next time we go up.

Too bad about not making it... its always wise to err on the side of caution though.
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Post by Liz »

Hi Zach! I just saw your TR too. Very cool! Yes, please let me and EnFuego know when you guys wanna try that hike. I'm new to the XC world, but am ready to try some more.
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Post by lilbitmo »

Liz, nice work, it's weird having snow and Ice melt that quickly.

A friend Bryan and I were just below the summit of Baldy last year after a really windy, rainy, icy night where Icicles that were three feet long in some cases were melting off the trees and crashing on the ground all around us - it was like being in an Idiana Jones movie - we had to time our steps up the trial to avoid getting hit by them.

Pictures look great, I posted a TR for another excursion on the West side of the East Fork San Gabriel River up Rattlesnake Peak - gave me great insights as to what it will take to do the "Death March". I will be going back next month to check out the saddle between S.Hawkins and Rattlesnake and the approch leading up to S. Hawkins.

Glad you guys had a good time anyway.
Lilbitmo :D
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Post by EnFuego »

Liz - sounds like you're "deluge" of melting snow from the branches above was worse than our trip up towards Iron. Yesterday was such a beautiful day, glad you got out and was able to enjoy it. Do you know what the approximate temps were at your turnaround? I'm just curious. Last time we went out I took too many clothes.

Anyway, looking foward to our next jaunt.
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Post by Zach »

I've been on Baldy twice with that same type of snow-melting conditions. I wonder how common that sort of melt is. Most places that get snow stay cold until a gradual temperature rise melts everything. Here in SoCal, I've witnessed "rivers" of snow coming down baldy's flanks along with the whole icy rain... gotta love that hissing and popping sound too. It's crazy stuff!

Though it could be that I'm just a socal city slicker who's never really seen much of all four season before.
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Post by Liz »

Hi EnFuego!

I'm guessing it was in the low to mid 30s at our turn around point yesterday. Let's hike again together soon!
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Post by brian90620 »

Nice pics Liz, sounds like a great trip 8) just sucks that the snow melts so fast at low elevations.......
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