First time snowshoeing - Looking for suggestions

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Melito Irpino
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Post by Melito Irpino »

I've done a lot of hiking from March to November in the local mountains over the years and I finally purchased some snowshoes last week so I can extend my hiking season. Which of the local trails in the San Gabriels or other local mountains is a look place to learn? I prefer a trail that I am familiar with where the terrain is good for snowshoeing, less avalanche risk (I guess avoid Baldy Bowl) and a starting point where I won't need chains. I usually hike in the S.Gs (Manker Flat, Icehouse Canyon, Bear Canyon) and S.B.s (Vivian Creek, Forsee, S.B. Peak trail).

I'm going on Sunday (weather permitting) and I'm leaning towards starting up the Bear Canyon from Baldy Village. Does this make sense? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for any replies.
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Post by glamisking »

Glad to hear that you equipped yourself with a set of snowshoes but in order to get the best use of them you should work on getting a set of tire chains for your car. You will have greater access to better conditions the higher you can start.

Not sure how great the snow coverage will be in the Village. I imagine it will be about 6". I always head up the ski hut trail and I imagine there will be a newly established trail by Sunday AM. You could head to the ski hut and decide about crossing the bowl after assessing it or consulting others at the hut.

I went up the ski hut trail 2 times last week and I plan to head up there next weekend. It should be AMAZING! Don't forget to post pictures whatever you
decide to do.
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Post by lilbitmo »

Patrick is that you?

You might want to go up tram in Palm Springs and go out to Round Valley which is just as challenging as Baldy Ski Hut/Main Trail but has a little more open flat country in the Round Valley and Tamarack Valley area's.

Bear Canyon Trail on Baldy is steeper than the Ski Hut Trial and could require Crampons on the upper ridgelines where there's more exposed rocks, tendency to have ice form from the wind.

Whatever you do enjoy yourself.

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Post by Sewellymon »

trade them in for backcountry skiis

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Post by He219 »

Baldy area sounds like a great place to learn.
It's close and well traveled (should you require help).

Melito Irpino, this should do it (video tutorial): ... Dtp01sK0Ec

Have fun!
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Melito Irpino
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Post by Melito Irpino »

Thanks for the suggestions. Just went up Icehouse Canyon a couple of miles and then took off X-country a bit to try out the snowshoes. I'll try something more adventurous next week.

Lilbitmo - Hey, its me, Patrick. Hope all is well.
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