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Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:54 pm
by JMunaretto

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:04 pm
.04 feet per mile is .04 x 5,280 which is 211 feet or over 70 yards. And that is an ideal condition trail. Hardly anything in the way and such.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:13 am
by simonov
I got a message from my hiking club that there's a guy missing on Baldy who was supposed to meet up with a group on Saturday (not ours). Maybe your canceled trip?

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:59 pm
by JMunaretto
No he didn't sign up for that hike, though I'm thinking he was gonna attempt to check out Falling Rock Canyon as he expressed interest in it but didn't go with us 3 weeks ago.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:46 pm
by simonov
Got this e-mail:
I called Theresa Hagner just now, please pass on the word that Rob was found at Baldy, not sure the exact details but they had to get him out by helicopter and he had minor injury to his wrist. She said thanks to everyone who helped pass out the word and for the good wishes.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:31 pm
by Hikin_Jim ... n-san.html

Apparently he was trying for Sugarloaf.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:37 pm
by Hikin_Jim
How bad was the brush on the incline? Is there even a use trail or is it pretty much make your way up through the brush as best you can?

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:27 pm
by JMunaretto
Not bad at all. Definite use trail you can follow. A few hundred feet below Echo there is a confusing spot b/c the trail splits, but there is only a little bit of brush you run in to along the use trail.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:01 pm
by 406
wtf x 2:

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:35 pm
by calicokid
Hikin_Jim wrote: ... n-san.html

Apparently he was trying for Sugarloaf.
According to the other missing hiker Jennifer Rozler, with user name jenroz on OC register board, they were trying to get up Ontario Peak via Falling Rock Canyon on Saturday after checking the weather at Ranger station as " lightly chain of rain". Don't know how well they both are familiar with Falling Rock Canyon area, but seems that they picked a bad day to explore a not-so popular area. Good lession.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:05 am
by JMunaretto
calicokid wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote: ... n-san.html

Apparently he was trying for Sugarloaf.
According to the other missing hiker Jennifer Rozler, with user name jenroz on OC register board, they were trying to get up Ontario Peak via Falling Rock Canyon on Saturday after checking the weather at Ranger station as " lightly chain of rain". Don't know how well they both are familiar with Falling Rock Canyon area, but seems that they picked a bad day to explore a not-so popular area. Good lession.
I knew it.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:00 am
by Hikin_Jim
JMunaretto wrote:
calicokid wrote:
Hikin_Jim wrote: ... n-san.html
Apparently he was trying for Sugarloaf.
According to the other missing hiker Jennifer Rozler, with user name jenroz on OC register board, they were trying to get up Ontario Peak via Falling Rock Canyon on Saturday after checking the weather at Ranger station as " lightly chain of rain". Don't know how well they both are familiar with Falling Rock Canyon area, but seems that they picked a bad day to explore a not-so popular area. Good lession.
I knew it.
Moral of the story: don't miss Joseph's hikes!!

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:57 am
by Rumpled
406 wrote:wtf x 2:
This looks to me like two beehives in a stronger enclosure. Keep bears out maybe? Severe weather protection?

Now, why would you put beehives up there? Africanization tracking? Wild honey?

Guess I'm just full of ?'s today.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:51 pm
by mattmaxon
Rumpled wrote: This looks to me like two beehives in a stronger enclosure. Keep bears out maybe? Severe weather protection?
My guess would be to keep out Bears, darn things are about as common as flys in the Angeles....
Rumpled wrote:Now, why would you put beehives up there? Africanization tracking? Wild honey?

Guess I'm just full of ?'s today.
There are / where many sites where there where / are large collections of hives, usually there are dozens of the hives though

These have not been as common as they once where, I presume due to Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD)

This has been there for several years that I know of....


Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 2:46 pm
by Hikin_Jim
mattmaxon wrote:These have not been as common as they once where, I presume due to Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD)
Interesting. I wonder if CCD is why there are no longer bees in Haines Canyon. There were quite a number of hive boxes near the water tank above the bend in 2N76 until about a year or two ago. Now, even the fence posts have been removed.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:55 pm
by mattmaxon
Hikin_Jim wrote:Interesting. I wonder if CCD is why there are no longer bees in Haines Canyon. There were quite a number of hive boxes near the water tank above the bend in 2N76 until about a year or two ago. Now, even the fence posts have been removed.
That is what I surmise.

These where scattered through out the Foothill area.. They are now all gone....

Haines Cyn
Hostter Fire road (upper & lower)
Yerba Buena ridge
Earl Cyn road
Gold Cyn Rd
Angeles Forest Highway Big-T overlook

These are some locations that come to mind, that once had large numbers of hives


Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:19 pm
by JMunaretto
406 wrote:wtf x 2:
Hikin_Jim wrote:Moral of the story: don't miss Joseph's hikes!!
Yup, these are my hikes and hikers!

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:20 pm
by JMunaretto
The rescued hiker told me he's going to 'take this weekend off'. Hasn't he learned? You can't miss my hikes!

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:54 pm
by Hikin_Jim
JMunaretto wrote:The rescued hiker told me he's going to 'take this weekend off'. Hasn't he learned? You can't miss my hikes!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:53 am
by JMunaretto
Just realized that the other hiker he was with is also someone who has been on my hikes. She also has lead a few hikes through ODC I believe.

However, I would not have allowed her to come on my hike up FRC, though Rob would have been allowed. Obviously though this rescue was more about when to do the hike than who. I also have some other fools who were thinking about going on the San Antonio Ridge last weekend...WTF. I repeat, WTF.

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:31 am
by Hikin_Jim
JMunaretto wrote:Just realized that the other hiker he was with is also someone who has been on my hikes. She also has lead a few hikes through ODC I believe.

However, I would not have allowed her to come on my hike up FRC, though Rob would have been allowed. Obviously though this rescue was more about when to do the hike than who. I also have some other fools who were thinking about going on the San Antonio Ridge last weekend...WTF. I repeat, WTF.
For real

Re: Inspiration Point & Muir Peak via the Great Incline

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:59 am
by Tim
JMunaretto wrote:I also have some other fools who were thinking about going on the San Antonio Ridge last weekend...WTF. I repeat, WTF.
Man, I hope my TR didn't have something to do with that. Going on that ridge in bad weather is suicide. Hell, going on that ridge in good weather is suicide :shock: I canceled my own hike in the Baldy area that weekend because I knew about the weather and didn't want to deal with it.