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East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:47 pm
by Matthew
The behemoth that is East Mermaid, has been on my to-do list for almost a year. I first learned of the “mermaids” after reading some old trip reports and finding that it was an odd name for a group of peaks. The lack of views of the city from East Mermaid intrigued me since most peaks are climbed for the views on top. This one has some breathtaking views of Triplets, Twin Peaks, Baldy, Ontario, Wilson, Monrovia, and the entirety of Bear Canyon but you must work very hard to achieve those views.

Having never explored Bear Canyon, I was stoked to do so with a peak ascent. I read the previous trip reports by Headsizedburrito ... aid#p57229 and Taco ... aid#p14210, both of which ascended via a steep chute below the eastern saddle. Nobody has ever ascended the eastern ridge due to brush which has most likely protected this peak from numerous attempts and ascents in the past. Somewhat luckily, the Bobcat Fire scorched the brush on that ridge to oblivion allowing for decent access to the peak.

I hit up Dima this past friday so see if he was up for it. He responded saying he will see since the man just did Cobblestone Peak the previous day. (Go read his trip report on it) Wes decided to come along which took away a whole day of surfing. Everyone confirmed and the trip was planned!

Sunday 12/29/2024 came upon us and oh what a historic day this was. We hit the trailhead around 10:30am and began up Bear Creek towards the first campground. The goal was to find the best spot to gain the ridge just west of the creek. We found said spot at a small unofficial camp 2104 feet south of the main camp and in no time, we had our eyes on the Mermaids. The brush level was perfect and just about 3 feet tall at most. The ridgeline that we were aiming for had only 2 feet of brush which made our stoke levels very very high!

We came across a small spring in a gully and immediately found bones and remains of animals. This was humbling to see since this was the only source of water in a very desolate environment. It is a source for many animals to find refuge since there aren’t any roads or trails nearby. Seeing the bones and 2 vertebrates displayed the struggle some animals have when seeking water. I hope the predators are full!

Our ridgeline was perfect and very easy to navigate. Animals carved a decent path in some spots which made pushing through much much easier if it wasn’t easy enough. The views we had of Twins and Triplets were breathtaking. One of these seasons I will try to bag Triplets but I need to be more in shape.

Our saddle arrived very quickly and we eyed our prize up ahead. The chute that headsizedburrito took was to our right and it looked like a perfect route to take on the way down. The climb from the saddle to the peak is super steep, with an average slope of 38 degrees. There’s one climby section that probably goes class 3, which can be bypassed on the left. After that, it’s a steep crawl to the summit. Summit time was spent taking in the views and debating whether or not we should return. The ridge does look doable to Middle Mermaid so whoever wants to plan that, I say this winter will be perfect due to the lack of rain in the forecast.

For the descent, we opted for the chute. This was an okay option and took a bit of time. The creek crossings through bear creek were time consuming and the winding of the canyon added some miles to the trip. A fun fact about me, I can’t hop across rocks for $#*! so after taking a dip and hitting my knee, I decided to wade the rest of the crossings.

here is the gpx of our path:
(2.43 MiB) Downloaded 22 times
Overall, stoke was high throughout the day with tons of gratitude from Dima and Wes to me from planning such a trip. I cannot recommend this peak enough! The ridge is good and the brush is 2-3 feet for the majority of it. Go out there and climb! photos below
Looking down the chute
Looking down the chute
View down SE ridge
View down SE ridge
View looking up ridge from saddle
View looking up ridge from saddle
Wes eying the chute
Wes eying the chute
Detail for taco of the middle mermaid crag
Detail for taco of the middle mermaid crag
Dima rock climbing!
Dima rock climbing!
Dima and Wes looking cool on the techy section
Dima and Wes looking cool on the techy section
Looking down our ridge
Looking down our ridge
from left to right: West Mermaid, Middle Mermaid, East Mermaid
from left to right: West Mermaid, Middle Mermaid, East Mermaid

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:52 pm
by dima
Good trip! Here're my photos.





The goal. And triplets:








Middle Mermaid:


Triplet ridge:


Descent ridge:


Descent bowl:




The brush is better than it has been. Go check it out!

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:10 pm
by wesweswes
That was sweet
I didn't like descending that chute since it's super steep and loose; but doing the loop added some great variety, and the water levels right now are low enough to stay dry if you're good at hopping around. I would not recommend down climbing the rocky sections in the chute; the rock is rotten and crumbling. Seems much more solid on the s facing stuff.

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:32 am
by Uncle Rico
Cool outing boys. What was your mileage/gain for the day?

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:01 am
by Nate U
Super cool! Glad to see Bobcat country is navigable like that, and in places maybe more passable than it was before the fire. Much poodle dog?

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:22 am
by Matthew
Uncle Rico wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:32 am Cool outing boys. What was your mileage/gain for the day?
9 miles total with 3100ft of gain! From the saddle to the peak is definitely the steepest section

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:42 am
by dima
My tracker says 10mi/2400ft gain. It's a slow-progress kinda place, so the stats almost don't matter. We were out for 7.5 hours.

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:13 pm
by JeffH
Damn, that is seriously steep and not just in short sections. Good work out there to complete this route.

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:55 am
by AW~
Nifty...the almost 360 view is a good intro to the wilderness...which again, people dont recognize and leave trash.
I had said that it gave a view of the falls..that is not true..I was mistaken on that.

The deer ..yeah...I would say its not about water. They were grazing in the chute once. Of course they were alert so they took off at the same time I saw them. On that day I was doing NHPS so it was no big deal and I headed down. But I did think they are trapped...not really.
Bear Creek at 3am is a whole nother matter...its like you are looking for trouble. Its excellent for halloween.

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 6:14 pm
by tekewin
Sweet! I was going to ask about the brush, but your comment was that it was not too bad. Didn't look too bad, but photos can be misleading.

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:25 am
by Sean
Looks super fun. Thanks for the report. Any poodle dog?

Re: East Mermaid via SE Ridge

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:27 am
by dima
Very little. This is a good, fun route now.