Indianhead via jordan hot springs via blackrock TH
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 3:35 pm
I'm surprised no one has posted on this, including me, since I've been up there many a time now. Indianhead is a cool little formation of rock that looks red from a distance, visible from jordan hot springs, but up close from western aspect it's irridescent green with lichen. It has some class 2/3 at the very end when you're swimming through brush, but it's not really ever exposed, just steep and a bit tedious near the peak. The way I've gotten there each time is after hiking into jordan hot springs the night before, and from jordan where I've camped, one way it's maybe 3.5 mi and 2500ft of gain. The fun part is that trail connecting the two is notoriously in disrepair, mostly from fires years ago wiping out the trees and allowing white thorn to proliferate. But fear not, Rich and I have been going the last several years and have taken upon ourselves to clear the way. So ignore the alltrails description about how bad the trail is and consider checking it out! There are still a few sections that are overgrown, but it's much better than before. The trail from jordan hot springs to indianhead is worst near the start, and once about half way through it turns to intact forest and is more obvious. Once you cross the final creek follow the trail northeast until it switchbacks northwest, and at this point go off trail, north, skirting the west edge of the aspen grove. Track towards the obvious small rock formations, scrambling up to the SW aspect where there is a vegetated gully, where you'll find a keyhole to walk through. The views from the top are primo!