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Fall Creek Trail

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:51 am
by Girl Hiker
I checked out the Fall Creek trail that was restored by Kristin and her Tujunga Posse crew. It was officially completed a week ago. If you start from Hidden Springs it's only 3.3 miles one way.

I went last week and had a late start. Temps were supposed to be in the 70's but it was actually 81-degrees according to my Inreach.

It's mostly exposed with one sweet, shady spot under a tree. The trail was nicely groomed. Pink flags were placed along the way, on the ground on a few of the tree stumps which was very thoughtful.

Anyways we hiked through it & admired the surrounding views. A few wildflowers & huge yuccas along the trail made it look pretty.

I spotted a cute Horny Toad and a strange mushroom.

After the hike we soaked our feet in
Mill Creek which was very refreshing.

Re: Fall Creek Trail

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:15 am
by JeffH
Yucca are blooming everywhere right now, great to see them!

Re: Fall Creek Trail

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:26 am
by Girl Hiker
I agree!