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Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:58 am
by Taco
Who do I talk to about this? Do they not have enough $$$ to pay their people to pick all this up? I only took this one photo but there are multiple giant piles of garbage along East Fork, as well as just tons of trash blown all over the place in general. I first noticed all this trash before the 4th of July, and it's now the 24th.
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:17 am
by Uncle Rico
Don't know for certain, but maybe CalTrans? LA County Public Works? Maybe the Forest Service?
Hard to believe that the Forest Service is oblivious to this. I'm sure Rangers drive that road every day. What in the hell do they actually do these days other than write tickets?
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:52 pm
by Sean
Taco wrote: Who do I talk to about this?
President Biden. Here, copy this and mail to the White House.
Dear Mr. President,
How are you doing? I, myself, am not very happy. Why, you ask? I'll tell you why. Because there is a shit ton of garbage in my local mountains. It needs to get cleaned up, right quick!!! Double-plus unslow, ya hear me, Joe!? What kind of federal park system are you running? If you can't beat the litterbugs in the San Gabriel National Monument, how do you expect to beat Trump in 2024? Geez Louise!
Administrator, San Gabriel Mountains Discussion Forum
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:49 pm
by HikeUp
Go with the more progressive
shit-tonne ... more bona fide progressive hyphenated metric version!
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:28 pm
by Sean
HikeUp wrote:
Go with the more progressive
shit-tonne ... more bona fide progressive hyphenated metric version!
Good idea. I translated the text into British.
Dear Prime Minister Joseph Biden,
How are you faring this fine day? I do say, goode chap, that I, me self, am quite unhappy indeed. Why am I unhappy, I hear you say? Well, I shall tell you. It has much to do with the
shit-tonne of refuse in me favourite mountains. It requires collecting--most urgently!!! Double-plus unslow, do you heare what I'm saying, Joe!? Is this how you properly manage the Queen's forest? If you cannot defeat the rubbishbugs in the San Gabriel National Monument, I hardly think you will defeat Emperor Trump in 2024. Bloody hell!
Respectfully yours,
Minister of Bicycles, San Gabriel Mountains Discussion Forum
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:39 pm
by Sean
Rofl. I just looked it up and "tonne" isn't even the British spelling of "ton." Oh well.
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:48 pm
by HikeUp
What the hell do I know.
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:27 pm
by dima
Fun fact: the metric, british and american tons (whatever the spellings are) are all different things.
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 4:38 am
by AW~
Uncle Rico wrote:
What in the hell do they actually do these days other than write tickets?
This might be too deep, but....what does anyone do other than what they say. They got you wearing this mask lol its so obvious. So thats why they cant do wrong.
And writing Biden, our dear leader, like that will get you a visit for violence against the state.
Actually, this is the third year they havent picked up trash on east fork on July 4th.
Not that the 4th year was all that special....they had child labor then.
Do I pick up trash? Hehe...rarely. Thats for the 'volunteers' job. And if not by them, its not done.
But people prefer to do what they supposedly want to....familiar?
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:09 pm
by Girl Hiker
I was hiking near the East Fork this morning. I met some guys that were picking up trash on the Bridge to Nowhere trail. In fact a friend of mine and his friends go up there quite often just to pick up trash. So at least some people care about our trails..
But you are right Taco.
On the drive up it's disgusting.
They were re- paving the roads today by the East Fork Road. I saw alot of highway workers out there just standing around, directing traffic, repaying roads and just ignored the fact that there was tons of trash near the areas they were working on.
It's truly disgusting.!
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:31 pm
by Taco
Looks like it's been cleaned up!
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:18 pm
by dima
Taco wrote: Looks like it's been cleaned up!
I guess this was the right place to complain!
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:04 pm
by AW~
Taco wrote: Looks like it's been cleaned up!
Yup...I saw that. ..per the Angeles Forest tweet.
Thanks to the Canyon City....yeah, thanks diabolical people, I can wear my mask so much prouder..
Do I mean the 'volunteers'? Wow!
I was simply doing a records search(because...well....Im a rebel) when they scattered like rats.
I never seen 55 people disappear so quick. ...and the org had picked it up last 3 years.
I never got 100% hold on em, but there was a org named Canyon City Foundation.
So then it was I dont want to know, but there was this guy constantly showing up.
Ends up, he is a developer. Typical let me put in this luxury places and no 'green spaces' and I scratch your back.
The foundation is run a slush fund for the politicos who splash it in the city
And the forest...since lack of public green spaces.
Btw, that foundation has plenty of money....must be humming in Azusa for development.
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 11:29 pm
by HikeUp
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:50 am
by Taco
I spoke too soon. There is still a massive pile of trash along East Fork Road near one of the camp whatever gates, the abandoned camp bought by city o industry or whatever. Saw it last night.
Thus, I will say at least some or most of the trash is gone!
Re: Massive Piles of Garbage Along East Fork Road
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:25 pm
by Girl Hiker
It would have been a good idea for the forest service or cal trans workers or whoever to clean up all that trash during the closures.