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Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:34 pm
by Girl Hiker
Last Wednesday my hiking crew and I drove to Big Bear to spend the day hiking then kayaking at Big Bear Lake. We met up at the Pineknot trailhead. This hike was only seven miles but it was another one of those trails that starts out steep with lots of switchbacks. Along the way, there were lots of misleading trails (obviously made by hikers) that were used as shortcuts. The trail had both exposed and shady parts but the views of Big Bear Lake were gorgeous. There were also a couple of dedication benches along the way.

The main trail passes through Deer Group Camp and the Skyline trail. As we ascended the trail to Grand View Point there were these cool rock-out croppings. The trail was also very lush with lots of wildflowers to admire. once at the top we had awesome views of San G, San B, and surrounding peaks. There was not a benchmark or a register but having lunch under the shaded trees a few feet from the high point was pretty cool.

Stats: 7 miles r/t, 1160' gain


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:43 pm
by Girl Hiker
A few more pics.