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Finding Boulders

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 1:29 pm
by Matthew
Some of you may know me for finding mines in them mountains but now you will know me as the one searching for boulders!

My brother and I have been looking for big-ass boulders to climb on for a few years now. We tend to just look with binoculars or use Google maps to search remote canyons for some highballs. Was wondering if the community could point us in the right direction for some lost boulders in these hills?

Here are some ive already spotted with some aerial maps.

Re: Finding Boulders

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:22 pm
by dima
Have you actually tried to go out and climb something you found this way? Are you able to eyeball the rock and tell if it's going to be solid or not?

Re: Finding Boulders

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:28 pm
by Matthew
dima wrote:Have you actually tried to go out and climb something you found this way? Are you able to eyeball the rock and tell if it's going to be solid or not?
We have been to a couple in a canyon by crystal lake which was super solid granite!

Haven't been to the ones in the photos yet though

Re: Finding Boulders

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:47 pm
by Tom Kenney
The buttress rising from Deer Flat CG to Islip Ridge has always intrigued me.

Big Buck Road (4N24) passes a 'cliff band' at about the halfway mark, with some very interesting roadside stuff. Lots of hand- to offwidth-crack things that just invite the climber's eye, also good quality rock.

Re: Finding Boulders

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 9:18 am
by Sean
Sorry, man, I don't help boulderers. Just kidding, I'll look at my archive for remote spots. You like it smooth or rough?

Re: Finding Boulders

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:55 pm
by Taco
I have some stuff listed near Crystal Lake on mountainproject. The big boulder is good, the others are small and probably not great for you.

The north side of the ridge south of 39, north of Smith has rock I haven’t climbed on yet. Looks cool, likely requires bushwhacking.

And of course there’s always Triplet Rocks.