Black Mountain to Snow Creek on the PCT

TRs for ranges in California.
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Post by JerryN »

Yesterday we finished the PCT in the San Jacinto Mountains (Tule Springs to Whitewater Canyon) by hiking from Black Mountain down to Snow Creek. The day started with a snow road closure up on Black Mountain. We walked down the road to the PCT with icicles falling off the trees. Temps in the upper 40's. After 2 miles the forest gave way to the first of four eco systems. The flowers were glorious. My guess is that we saw 2 dozen different types including bush poppies, purple nightshade, goldfields, dudlaya, Mojave Poppies, flowering ceonothus and manzanita and more. The first 12 miles were incredible with forever views from the snows on San Jacinto to the desert to the snows on San Gorgonio. I don't have the same opinion of the last five miles through rocky desert mountains. 17 miles and -7,000' were to be had on a perfect day away from work.
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Post by Sean »

Finished, as in you've done the whole thing in sections?
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Post by JerryN »

Sean wrote: Finished, as in you've done the whole thing in sections?
No, long way to go, finished the San Jacinto Mts from Tule Spring in the Santa Rosa Mountains to Whitewater in the San Bernardino Mountains. We have a couple of gaps between Whitewater and Tehachapi still to go, then San Diego and the Sierra
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