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Redrock Mountain Trail Update

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:23 pm
by David R
I went up to Redrock Mountain today for the third time. The trail has not changed much since I was up there six years ago. Yucca has gotten worse and needs some clippings. The sections of trail that are slumped and narrow are still there but haven't deteriorated more then before. The route from the saddle to the top felt more defined then when I went last and is as steep as I remember it. Surprisingly nobody still likes this peak with only three signatures this year with the last being in July by that masochist Hodt. Am quite surprised that the trail is still in such decent shape with such infrequent use but still good to go.

Re: Redrock Mountain Trail Update

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:12 pm
by Anthony
Is this Red Rock Mountain in the Sierra Pelona?

Re: Redrock Mountain Trail Update

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 9:29 pm
by David R
Anthony wrote: Is this Red Rock Mountain in the Sierra Pelona?
Close the Liebre Range, you start the hike from the end of Templin Highway.