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Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 6:47 am
by JeffH
November 22, 2019
I haven't been out much lately due to a knee injury but with the great weather I figured I would make an excursion. Since I live in Claremont I was just going to walk the Wilderness Park but on the drive up there I could see the snow-capped mountains and decided to hit Potato Mountain for the better views. There really isn't much to this little bump on the front range, with a fire road leading to a water tank at the summit. I took the less-traveled East ridge up, which is a pretty good workout since it's just a mile to go up the entire ~1100 feet. I used to call this the secret route but in the last few years it has become much more popular, there were a couple groups of people well ahead of me when I arrived. After spending a few minutes on top with my Snickers bar snack I walked down the fire road. All of the Spanish Broom has been cleared out of the road, making it plenty wide to pass people walking three across with their dogs. Short day but great views and as the subject says, it's why we want to live here.
Potato from my parking spot across Baldy Road.

First little plateau on the secret route.

This little guy was less than two inches nose to tail. I spotted him only because he was tumbling down a drainage.

Second rest point, it's about to get a little steeper.

It's a great feeling when your head pops up to spot the actual trail.

Summit area.

Posing. I wore a jacket on the early shaded part.

The LNT principles are not followed here. This is the largest batch of taters I have ever seen up here.

Great view.


AllTrails route info.

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:13 pm
by ReFreshing
Nice pics! Not sure how I feel about the potatoes up top. At least they're consolidated in one spot lol. I never been up to potato mtn before but I definitely need to try out the "secret route"! Hope your knee heals soon!

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:55 am
by CrazyHermit
Awesome photo of the horn toad. I rarely see those anymore. The taters are hilarious.

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:09 am
by Sean
Yeah, never seen that many potatoes on the tank. If we plant them in the ground maybe we'll get a potato patch up there.

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:08 pm
by JeffH
Next time I go up there I'm bringing the stove!

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 2:02 pm
by JeffH
Same picture a week later.... I went up there today for my #OptOutside thing.
I was surprised to see snow up there, the elevation is listed at 3422 feet. I heard from some people that Baldy Road was closed at the Village.

Re: Potato or why we want to live in SoCal

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 5:32 pm
by Sean
Frozen potatoes, yum yum.