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Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:01 pm
by Sean
Cecelia and I toured parts of the Midwest, primarily so that I could visit state capitols, but also to squeeze in some light hiking. We made two such visits in South Dakota, first to the Black Hills.


That little lake trail is right along the road to Mt. Rushmore, where we took the Presidents' Trail to a viewpoint at the base of the debris pile below the monument.


The short trail is paved and includes many steps. It weaves through the beautiful forest and boulders and climbs to a spot where you can look up Jefferson's huge nostrils.


En route to the capitol in Pierre, we also decided to check out the Badlands National Park. This ended up being Cecelia's favorite part of the whole trip. Almost immediately we encountered sheep clinging to some cliffs.


We mostly drove the park road, but got out to walk around a couple of the trails.

The Notch Trail required climbing a ladder from the bottom of a gully to the ridge.



In addition to the spectacular views, we also lucked out and found a benchmark...


...and the road to Bigfoot!


Re: Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:19 pm
by tekewin
That is some nice looking country. Is that point at Rushmore called Nostril VIsta?

I know they don't let you climb Rushmore. I've heard they have armed guards there.

Thanks for the report, I might never make it out there.

Re: Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:25 pm
by Sean
Yes, Nostril Vista is the unofficial name. It's also referred to as Septum Underlook.

Re: Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:33 am
by RichardK
That ladder looks crazy. I wish we had it on Half Dome 10 years ago.

Re: Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:04 am
by JeffH
You were right next to the highest point in South Dakota, Black Elk Peak (formerly known as Harney Peak). It's also in the Mt Rushmore area, I'm thinking of going there later this summer.

Re: Black Hills & the Badlands

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:11 am
by Sean
JeffH wrote: You were right next to the highest point in South Dakota, Black Elk Peak (formerly known as Harney Peak). It's also in the Mt Rushmore area, I'm thinking of going there later this summer.
Can't wait to hear about it! I bet the views will be awesome. Unfortunately we didn't have time for much hiking.