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Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 12:23 pm
by HikeUp

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 1:44 pm
by AW~
"A hiker was in critical condition Wednesday night after he was stabbed by a gibberish-shouting man who reportedly jumped out from behind bushes and attacked him in Eaton Canyon about 8 p.m.The victim turned and ran towards his nearby home but was pursued and stabbed again by the suspect, Altadena Station Sheriff’s deputies said.
The victim collapsed in the front yard of his home, in the vicinity of Altadena Drive and Roosevelt Avenue, authorities said.
Arriving deputies found the suspect upon their arrival. The suspect was arrested. The knife thought to be used in the attack was found, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman said.
The man was originally described by authorities as a transient because they could not obtain an address in connection with him. Thursday morning, officials will only say that the suspect is not cooperating and they know little about him and he was on the trail for reasons yet unknown...."

Facebok posting : "I had heard from the news reporters about the suspect being homeless, "jumping out of the bushes and attacking a hiker." I was on scene within minutes of the 911 call and had walked with the detectives at the crime scene and I do not know where that information came from."

"Beth Wolfe Miles Some news reports are saying that the assailant was a transient. Is that confirmed?
Altadena Sheriff's Station Not confirmed, we cannot even be sure if the suspect or victim were hikers or not."

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 5:23 pm
by David R
People ask me aren't I scared while hiking of wild animals. I say yes from the two legged kind, my greatest risk of being attacked or robbed is at trailheads. This guy sounds mental but still.

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:03 am
by Girl Hiker
This makes me both mad and sick to my stomach. I hike alone quite often. I do think about being attacked by a four-legged animal more than a two-legged one. It's a shame that those of us who enjoy hiking for the love of the outdoors or exercise have to worry about homeless maniacs.

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 10:36 am
by Girl Hiker

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:41 am
by Sean
The suspect has been named and pleaded not guilty. The latest reports are here and here. I've updated the topic title to reflect that police don't believe he's homeless.

Re: Piece of shit lunatic stabs hiker

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:17 am
by HikeUp