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Gooseberry, Mt Lowe Firebreak to West Fuji; return via Lone Tree and LTP

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:29 pm
by stonehillnews
Did a little 5 mile loop as noted in subject today. Also will include some observations I made last weekend.

Trail condition is passable on all segments noted, though there are a number of places which could use maintenance. In particular, more slough removal (some work has already been done) and there is rutting on Lone Tree.

Poison Oak seems fairly minimal at higher elevations, but is leafing out like crazy near canyon bottoms.

I removed graffiti from a couple of places. First graffiti I’ve seen in this area. Previously the lack of good access had kept it above the bathtub ring.

The metal sign on the Eaton side of Gooseberry was broken off and thrown into the cistern. It can probably be fished out and repaired.

West Fuji cairns at the summit and the junction at Rock Mass Saddle were scattered and the register is missing. I searched the bushes a bit, but found no sign of it.

Re: Gooseberry, Mt Lowe Firebreak to West Fuji; return via Lone Tree and LTP

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 11:49 am
by Girl Hiker
I can't believe these A*******. I guess the register bandit is in Altadena now.
I love this trail and I was seriously thinking about doing this route this past weekend but you beat me to the punch.
Stupid jerks!!!
We should put a hidden camera on the summit.

Re: Gooseberry, Mt Lowe Firebreak to West Fuji; return via Lone Tree and LTP

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:26 pm
by Sean
Sounds like the work of Sasquatch. That sucks about your sign. I think the area is open again, so you could just stash it until someone falls off Razorback again.