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Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:43 pm
by Girl Hiker
I read a trip report on Sierra Peak that was quoted as being approximately 6 miles r/t. Well that wasn't the case. I started from the suggested streets of Oak Ridge Drive and Canyon Crest Drive. You can also start the hike from Fresno Canyon Trailhead off of Green River Rd, but there is no street parking and the closest area to park is in the shopping center. I didn't want to take the chance of getting a ticket so I started from the residential area. Anyways, from where I started I didn't know that across the street was the continuation of the Fresno Canyon trailhead that starts at Green River Rd. It wasn't until after I finished my hike that I did some exploring of the area. Anyways, I was only prepeared for a short hike. It was overcast the entire time.
This is where I started and the ascent starts immediately. I took this picture after the sun came out when I was done hiking.
I knew the peak towers were on top of the ridge because I could see them from the freeway but not during my hike.
Lupines were the first beautiful flowers that came into view.


I spotted this cool rock outcroppingl.
As I climbed further up I could not see the towers at Sierra Peak.
There was this very steep vertical firebreak with loose rocks that I slowly climbed.
The pictures do not show how steep it really was but here are views from the top and bottom.

After hiking 3 miles and realizing that this was going to be more than 6 miles r/t, I decided to go a little further to the bump behind me but I still could not see the Peak. I saw many rolling hills and steep climbs ahead of me. So I turned back and was disappointed that I would have to come back another day. I didnt have enough food and water.

I read Tekewins report on this peak and I should have initially taken the longer route.
However, I wanted to take the suggested shorter route and believed I could bag this peak. I ended up hiking a total of 8 miles round trip.
Lesson learned.

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:53 pm
by Girl Hiker
It wasn't until after I descended the firebreak that I seen an old car over the side. I didn't see it on the way up.

Not sure how long ago this fire was.
More views from the ridge
Lots of pretty flowers.

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:03 pm
by Girl Hiker
Tekwin, someone suggested to start the hike where I did. It is on trip report mountain. After reading your report, I am wondering if you and I ended up hiking the same ridge even though we started at different locations? I couldn't tell from your blog pictures. Looking at mine do they look like you took the same route? did you climb that steep firebreak that I did?

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 1:55 pm
by tekewin
Girl Hiker wrote: Tekwin, someone suggested to start the hike where I did. It is on trip report mountain. After reading your report, I am wondering if you and I ended up hiking the same ridge even though we started at different locations? I couldn't tell from your blog pictures. Looking at mine do they look like you took the same route? did you climb that steep firebreak that I did?
Yes, we climbed the same ridge on the way up, and you must have been close to the top. That is a very steep firebreak. I think it's called the pipeline trail. I didn't have any pretty flowers to look at, so your photos are much better. I came down Leonard Road and Coal Canyon, which is a milder grade. It's still a lot shorter to come up the way you did than from Skyline Drive on the other side (~17 miles RT). I think that part of the mountain burned in September, 2017 as part of Canyon Fire 1. It's the northern most peak in the Santa Anas and has a pretty views. The last time I was up there, one of the towers was totally destroyed from the fire. Most were patched up or only scorched on the outside.

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 9:30 am
by Girl Hiker
tekewin wrote:
Girl Hiker wrote: Tekwin, someone suggested to start the hike where I did. It is on trip report mountain. After reading your report, I am wondering if you and I ended up hiking the same ridge even though we started at different locations? I couldn't tell from your blog pictures. Looking at mine do they look like you took the same route? did you climb that steep firebreak that I did?
Yes, we climbed the same ridge on the way up, and you must have been close to the top. That is a very steep firebreak. I think it's called the pipeline trail. I didn't have any pretty flowers to look at, so your photos are much better. I came down Leonard Road and Coal Canyon, which is a milder grade. It's still a lot shorter to come up the way you did than from Skyline Drive on the other side (~17 miles RT). I think that part of the mountain burned in September, 2017 as part of Canyon Fire 1. It's the northern most peak in the Santa Anas and has a pretty views. The last time I was up there, one of the towers was totally destroyed from the fire. Most were patched up or only scorched on the outside.
Thanks for the info Tekewin. Maybe I was closer than I thought but since it was overcast I could not see the towers. I am going to go back and hopefully, I can figure out where to descend Leonard Road and Coal Canyon without getting lost.

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:18 pm
by RockHoundHiker
That is the route that I took, you weren’t that far from the top, but you still had some steep sections and then once you reach Leonard Rd. you have to walk over to the communication towers. I didn’t have enough time to get there either.

Re: Sierra Peak attempt

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 12:59 pm
by Girl Hiker
RockHoundHiker wrote: That is the route that I took, you weren’t that far from the top, but you still had some steep sections and then once you reach Leonard Rd. you have to walk over to the communication towers. I didn’t have enough time to get there either.
That sucks if I was really close but with all the overcast and clouds and couldn't see anything. If it was a clear day I wouldn't have turned back. I am still determined to go back.
It sucks not to be able to summit a really cool peak. Thanks for the info.