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A message from your friendly local moderator

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:25 pm
by Taco
Howdy guys!

I love going into the mountains for whatever activity I wish to indulge in at any given moment, because they are beautiful, clean, and peaceful. It is difficult to find serenity and peace in Los Angeles.

I'm sure we all share this feeling, and we all strive to feel at peace in the mountains.

That said, I rather like that feeling reflected in this forum, and I hope we can all enjoy a peaceful, civil forum. I see no reason why hostility should be brought into a forum dedicated to the outdoors, focusing on hiking, mountaineering, canyoneering, biking, and other similar non-aggressive activities that do not welcome hostility.

If anyone has any "issues", or "problems", or whatever one might call them, with any other individual or group on the forum, I ask that you please use the Private Message function, or Email, to directly discuss said issues and/or problems directly with the individual/s in question.

All (as in, every single one) posts that are easily and widely deemed as derogatory, strongly off-topic, overt and aggressive, etc etc etc, will be deleted.

I appreciate that everyone has given such praise to this forum, and that it has become a communications post of sorts for life in and around our wonderful mountain range.

Thank you all very much!

Ryan Dacey
AKA Taco

Re: A message from your friendly local moderator

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:56 am
by RichardK
Trolls have been a problem on hiking message boards starting several years ago with the Mt. Whitney board. It got so bad there that the board shut down for several months. The moderators have no choice but constant vigilance. They must read every post every day and delete messages and accounts at the first hint of trouble. I have noticed that the attacks have become more subtle. They start with routine messages and pleasant exchanges and then intersperce personal insults. In this manner, they hope to confuse the moderators into thinking that they are legitimate posters rather than pure trouble makers. From what I have seen on other boards, you plea for civility is going to fall on deaf ears. Doug Thompson even exchanged messages with some of these types to no avail. That said, thanks for establishing this board. I enjoy it and hope it can last.

Re: A message from your friendly local moderator

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:11 am
by Travis
TacoDelRio wrote:Howdy guys!

I love going into the mountains for whatever activity I wish to indulge in at any given moment, because they are beautiful, clean, and peaceful. It is difficult to find serenity and peace in Los Angeles.

I'm sure we all share this feeling, and we all strive to feel at peace in the mountains.

That said, I rather like that feeling reflected in this forum, and I hope we can all enjoy a peaceful, civil forum. I see no reason why hostility should be brought into a forum dedicated to the outdoors, focusing on hiking, mountaineering, canyoneering, biking, and other similar non-aggressive activities that do not welcome hostility.

If anyone has any "issues", or "problems", or whatever one might call them, with any other individual or group on the forum, I ask that you please use the Private Message function, or Email, to directly discuss said issues and/or problems directly with the individual/s in question.

All (as in, every single one) posts that are easily and widely deemed as derogatory, strongly off-topic, overt and aggressive, etc etc etc, will be deleted.

I appreciate that everyone has given such praise to this forum, and that it has become a communications post of sorts for life in and around our wonderful mountain range.

Thank you all very much!

Ryan Dacey
AKA Taco
Very well said. We appreciate your moderation efforts. I am going to get a little more strict and may have to use the moderation setting for trouble makers (like I did for Christina). I have been holding off doing this hoping we can all jsut be civil, but Richard made some good points and we can not let trolls jepordize this forum.