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Trail damage in Altadena

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:18 am
by Sean
The Restoration Legacy Crew spent yesterday cleaning up the Mt. Lowe Road between Chaney Trail and Cape of Good Hope. We cleared a few large slides and a lot of rocks that tumbled down the hillsides. More work needs to be done, and we couldn't even get the car to Dawn Station due to the dirt road portion being muddy and rutted beyond the Cape.








(After. We couldn't drag the mega-yucca completely off the road.)

We then hiked the Millard Falls Trail, which got messed up pretty badly. It's completely gone in several places. To reach the falls required about eight stream crossings in calf-high water and scrambling over a mess of deadfall in one short section.

At least the waterfall looked spectacular.


The Crew then departed Millard Canyon, and I solo-surveyed some trails in Rubio Canyon. The main Right-of-way Trail to the Pavilion has a couple large slides covering the path and a sizeable hole that will need to be filled.



From the Pavilion I scrambled up-canyon to the falls.


I noticed that the water pipe broke.


Back on the paths, the Camp Huntington Trail held up nicely. But the Lower Old Echo suffered a major slide at the bottom. It's impassable and needs to be rebuilt.


Re: Trail damage in Altadena

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:54 am
by jeko1034

Re: Trail damage in Altadena

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:21 pm
by dima
I'm not clear on the names of things in that area. Can you clarify what's what, and I'll add the labels to OSM?

Which is the Millard Falls Trail? Is that the thing from the campground up to the base of the waterfall?

Which is the Camp Huntington Trail?

Which is the Old Echo Mt Trail? Is that the thing climbing up the incline from the Rubio Pavilion?

Re: Trail damage in Altadena

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:31 pm
by Sean
dima wrote:Which is the Millard Falls Trail? Is that the thing from the campground up to the base of the waterfall?
Which is the Camp Huntington Trail?
It's the short trail that connects the bottom of Rubio Canyon near the reservoir to the main trail to the Pavilion site.
Which is the Old Echo Mt Trail? Is that the thing climbing up the incline from the Rubio Pavilion?
No. That's the Incline Trail. The Lower Old Echo Mtn. connects the main trail to the Sam Merrill at the towers.

Re: Trail damage in Altadena

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:00 pm
by dima
Alright, I added stuff. Thanks.